- This is a CLI application for building and managing a company’s data using Node, Inquirer, and MYSQL. This application enables keeping track of all the employees, their roles, and the departments they work in. Additionally, it is possible to add new departments with new roles and employees, update the database or remove them completely.
- As a business owner ... I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company So that I can organize and plan my business
- Javascript
- Node
- Inquirer
- console.table
- asciiart-logo
- Make sure you have node installed in your machine and have cloned this repo.
- Run :
npm install
in order to install all dependencies - Run :
node index.js
and the application will start
- https://github.com/Enxhis/Assignment12-Employee-Tracker
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/17aUyn9VkdQehAr2PxuCp-qXrHtvloR4z/view
- Enxhi Salaj
- If you have questions, email me at: enxhi_salaj@yahoo.com,
- GitHub Profile link: https://github.com/Enxhis