🌱 Passionate junior front-end developer with a desire to learn and grow in a collaborative team environment. I've been doing web development since July 1, 2022.
My plan to achieve this goal is to start by learning the basics of web development, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I will also familiarize myself with front-end frameworks and libraries such as React or Angular. I will practice building projects and continue to improve my skills through online tutorials and courses. Additionally, I will seek out mentorship and networking opportunities to gain real-world experience and insight into the field.
Overall, I am dedicated to putting in the time and effort necessary to become a Junior Front-End Developer.
Website for the sale of heart rate monitors:
- Description and code https://github.com/Eredin322/Pulsimeter
- Hosting link https://pulsimeter.iluha-bandit.ru/
Typing Tutor:
- Description and Code https://github.com/Eredin322/Pulsimeter
- Hosting link https://eredin322.github.io/Typing-Tutor-/
None yet
Location: Kaliningrad, Russia
Discord: ILUHA_BANDIT#8358
Email: iliaErokhin3000@gmail.com
GitHub: Eredin322
Russian | English | German |
Native Speaker: C2 | Advanced: C1 | Elementary: A1+ |