An extended Python dict implementation that supports multiple key selection with a pretty syntax.
First you install the package with pip
pip install dictf
Then you can use it like this:
from dictf import dictf
example_dictf = dictf(name="Led Zepellin", singer="Robert Plant", guitarist="Jimmy Page")
>>> 'Led Zepellin'
>>> {'name': 'Led Zepellin'}
# The pandas inspired syntax makes it easy to understand how the lib works
print(example_dictf[["name", "singer"]])
>>> {'name': 'Led Zepellin', 'singer': 'Robert Plant'}
# The return type is a dictf whenever you use a list, tuple or set as key
print(type(example_dictf[["name", "singer"]]))
>>> dictf
# If one key doesn't exist, a KeyError is raised
print(example_dictf[["name", "singer", "drummer"]])
>>> KeyError
Currently you can not make multiple assignments at the same time, and I'm not sure we need to add this functionality. I'm open to suggestions, though!
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Also, please do check out our other libs as well such as