AndroTron is my spin on the Model-View-Intent architecture as described here by Hannes Dorfmann.
The goals of MVI and how it works are out of the scope of this README, I highly encourage you to read the above post and watch the YouTube video for that.
The goals of this library is to provide myself and other developers with a starting point for using the MVI architecture. The secondary goal of the library is to use Kotlin's new Coroutines as a replacment for RxJava.
If you know what MVI is then you might be looking at this code and wondering "Where are the Intents?".
Well I didnt like the name overlap with android Intent
so I instead named them Command
this makes communication easier.
Another difference you may notice is the Transformers nomenclature used in places of the code, a mans gotta have some fun is all I have to say on the matter.