RF electronics calculator. Developed for python 3.
Calculate static or frequency dependent characteristic impedance for microstip lines. Based on the empirical effective permittivity and impedance formulas of Hammerstad-Jensen, and the empirical dispersion formula of yamashita.
pip install rf-tool
Use the help() function for description of inputs and valid ranges of the functions. Below are some of the supported functions.
import rftool.pcb as pcb
# Quasi static impedance, Hammerstad and Jensen's method.
Z_static = pcb.microstripImpedanceHJ( h, w, e_r )
# Calcultate the effective width, accounting for the microstrip height, Hammerstad and Jensen's method.
w_eff = pcb.effectiveStripWidthHJ( h, w, t, e_r )
# Quasi static impedance of microstrip in metallic enclosure.
Z_static = pcb.shieldedMicrostripImpedanceHJ( h, w, t, a, b, e_r )
# Frequency dependent impedance calculation (Yamashita dispersion)
Z_100M = pcb.microstripImpedanceYa( h, w, e_r, f)
# Frequency dependent impedance calculation (Kirschning and Jansen dispersion)
Z_100M = pcb.microstripImpedanceKJ( h, w, e_r, f)
import rftool.pcb as radar
# Albersheim's equation for required SNR with incoherent integration
SNRdB = radar.Albersheim( Pfa, Pd, N )
# Shnidman's equation for required SNR with incoherent integration, swerling 0-5
SNRdB = radar.Shnidman( Pfa, Pd, N, SW )
# Hillbert Spectrum Plot
from scipy.signal import chirp
import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(0, 1, Fs)
w = chirp(t, f0=1e3, f1=2e3, t1=1, method='quadratic')
radar.hilbert_spectrum(np.real(w), Fs)
import rftool.communications as comm
# Calculate probability of error in AWGN for various modulations
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityBpsk( EbN0 )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityQpsk( EbN0 )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityMPsk( EbN0, M )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityFsk( EbN0 )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityCoherentFsk( EbN0 )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityCoherentMFsk( EbN0, M )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityGMSK( EbN0 )
Perror = comm.errorProbabilityQam( EbN0 , M)
from rftool.utility import *
# Conversion between reflection coef. and VSWR
VSWR = Gamma2VSWR( Gamma )
# Linear to log conversion
dB = mag2db( mag )
mag = db2mag( dB )
dB = pow2db( power )
mag = db2pow( dB )