Powershell script that can be used to install a Windows MSI or installation EXE without going through downloading and selecting and pressing keys. Script downloads from a remote server and installs.
Run powershell
as Administrator and paste to install 7zip
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dzmitry-lahoda/powershell-install-silent/master/7zip/19.00.ps1'))
Check out each folder for available application and versions.
- For Windows 10 from 2018+ or Windows Server 2018+
- One liners or easily copied into powershell console, no need to download-import modules.
- Store download in
- Named same as Chocolatey packages. Unfortunately
is not open source. Discussion about open source was totally deleted by owner ofChocolatey
. Withoutshimgen
and given limitation of PATH on Windows - there is no good possibility to have package manager. - customization accepted by default are those which disable telemetry
https://github.com/Limech/git-powershell-silent-install for example of customization
https://github.com/dtgm/chocolatey-packages for parameters of command lines and location of executables and web scraping for new versions
# no progress bar
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
By registry or by file location or by running process or by PATH.
Given gateway IPFS running locally or gateway provided as parameters, download to and from IPFS. So that it can be shared and reused. And be available even if original source is not accessible.
Detect that we are 32 bit and download that version.
Could do logging into $env:TEMP
for each install and check installed files. How to maintain error report at scale?
Could option for parameters into function, so without violation of one liner
. Could do configuration per subset of users, not in main file. How to maintain parameters same named at scale?
Possibly, PowerShell module would be good idea.
APPX, MSIX and Windows Capabilities are already easy to install via PowerShell. So still can provide these wrapped here for unified look and feel. And these do work from PowerShell, but fail from pwsh
(Powershell core), so may try to wrap into something working from pwsh
. So pwsh
could callback powershell
when needed.
Access git and list folders with version. Automate list generation on each push.
Dependencies? Adding items to PATH with no PATH bloat?