SEO_Linter is a linter that provides feedbacks about errors if the rules of SEO HTML tag is not observed.
The Linter is for beginners who are not familiar with the SEO HTML tag rules. There are so many rules for SEO HTML tag but this linter focus on the basic requirement to have a good SEO HTML tag.
- The Linter checks if the title tag is empty, which must be present in the HTML file
- It checks if the headings tag is present, which is part of the basic requirement.
- It checks if characters in the title is not more than 70 characters.
- It checks if the image tag has an attribute of alt.
- It checks if the links provided has an anchor text.
- It checks if the meta tag is present in the HTML tag.
Below is an the code of a bad SEO HTML tag
- index.html
- Linter ouput
An Example of a good SEO HTML tag
- index.html
- Linter output
- Ruby
- Clone the repo on your local machine
- Cd into the folder
- Run this command line: bin/main.rb
- Ruby
- Colorize
- Nokogiri
👤 Adewale Adeshola
- Github: @Eshy10
- Twitter: @AdesholaAdewal6
- Linkedin: @adewale-adeshola
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to Microverse