Svm is just my toy virtual machine which is now also hopefully turing complete
Right now the virtual machine is the center of the project, but in the future i suspect Sapphire will be the main focus.
The run script is very simple, it expects two arguments, the operation and the project.
The operation argument can either be run or com. The difference is that run will compile
and run the project whilst compile will just compile the project.
Currently the only project the run script can compile is svm
To run the virtual machine use
./ run svm
Sapphire is the official programming language for the virtual machine. Right now it is not implemented at all, but soon :).
This directory is only temporary. It exists to make the writing of byte encoded arch instructions easier. Too explore yourself, you must have nasm installed.
How would i compile a file?
nasm -felf64 ./[FILE].asm
If you want a actual executable pass the outputed object file to gnu linker like this.
ld -o [FILE (could be anything really)] [FILE].o