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[?] create a repo which contains the file at parent dict and hack back the "githack" like tools
usage: GitBeHacked.py [-h] [-D OUTPUTDIRECTORYNAME] [-u USER] [-o {win,linux}] [-m {cron,start,rcfile,msg}] [-B BADFILENAME] [-p ATPATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
your repo with contain in this directory default is test
-u USER, --user USER target username
-o {win,linux}, --os {win,linux}
os version [ win, linux ] default is linux
-m {cron,start,rcfile,msg}, --method {cron,start,rcfile,msg}
attack method [ cron, start, rcfile, msg ]
badfile in cron mode name
-p ATPATH, --atpath ATPATH
bad file you want located at path such as ../../../
-c, --clean it will used like file clean to delete file we generate or overwrite add it to confirm
rcfile need username option to gen bad file like ../../../../home/{username}/.bashrc according to the bashrc template.
start and cron need badfilename option target has root and it will gen file like ../../../../etc/{init.d,cron.d}/{badfilename}.
msg is just like messages ,it will read the badpayload {badfilename option} at current dir and gen a file at {atpath}. finally, add to the git repo. so it is more general and simple.
You can use the git repo you gen at your honeypot website. It will let the gitHack / dumpAll -like tool occur the folder transfer. The hacker will got funny file your add in.