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Mark Deaton edited this page Jul 11, 2016 · 13 revisions

Geoprocessing Tools for Hadoop

Here are tutorials on how to use these tools.

The geoprocessing tools listed below are provided to simplify interaction between ArcGIS and Hadoop components. They are written in python.

Copy From HDFS

Copy From HDFS copies a file or directory from a remote HDFS to a local file system.

Screenshot of Copy From HDFS

Usage Notes

  • If the remote path is a file and the local path is a file, the remote file will be copied to the local file path.
  • If the remote path is a directory and the local path is a file, each file from the remote directory will be appended to the local file with a new line to separate each file.
  • To fill in this GP tool, see the tutorial on copying from HDFS to Features

Copy To HDFS

Copy To HDFS copies a local file to a remote file with the option to either append or overwrite an existing file in the remote HDFS.

Screenshot of Copy To HDFS

Usage Notes

Execute Workflow

Execute Workflow executes an Oozie workflow application on a Hadoop system with the Oozie component installed.

Screenshot of Execute Workflow

Usage Notes

  • This geoprocessing tool expects that the workflow XML has already been copied to HDFS and that the job properties file supplied to the tool points to that workflow.

Features To JSON

Features to JSON converts a feature class to a JSON file format. The JSON file format can be either Enclosed JSON or Unenclosed JSON. See JSON Formats.

Screenshot of Features To JSON

Usage Notes

JSON To Features

JSON to Features converts a JSON file to a feature layer

Screenshot of JSON To Features

Usage Notes