This is a project to replace my current (broken) sleeping trainer.
- Drive an RGB led based on a schedule
- Get the time from a Wifi connection
- Fluent color easing
- LDR support to adjust the brightness to ambient lighting
- Put debug statements behind a flag
- Remote syslog support?
- Publish MQTT events
- Have the schedule be persistent
- Use LittleFS instead of SPIFFS
- Web interface to edit the schedule
- MQTT interface to edit the schedule
- Adjustable timezone (currently hardcoded in src/Time.cpp)
- Daylight saving time easing
The project is built for an esp8266-based board. Any esp8266-based board should do, as long as it has access to an RGB led. For different boards, you'll probably want to change src/Led.h (pinouts) and src/Led.cpp (displayLed function).
This is built in PlatformIO on VS Code. I have little experience with this, but to my understanding you should just be able to build it.
The frontend part is build with vite, with node v18.17.0. Check the from /vue. After building, be sure to use the "Upload Filesystem Image" from PlatformIO.