Automation framework is running test cases in gherkin format for both ui and api sides.
##Used Tools:
- java >= 11
- maven - 3.6
- spring boot - 2.6.3
- cucumber - 7.2.3
- lombok - 1.18.22
- vavr - 0.10.4
- webdrivermanager - 5.0.3
- selenium - 3.141.59
Before proceeding to test you need to install netdata, do it by running mvn compile
command that will trigger a bash script provided in netdata installation instructions.
Run tests via IDE Open the project in any ide and run org.netdata.automationtesting.cucumber.CucumberRunner class to start the tests.
Run tests via maven command
Execute mvn verify -P=cucumber
to start test from CLI.
##Choice of frameworks Spring boot - is one of the most popular framework used with Java, it provides a lot of advantages. I choosed it because:
- it provides dependency injection mechanism;
- it has embedded property reading and injection mechanism;
- it has embedded web client used in rest tests.
Cucumber - is one of the most used tools to write business scenarios that may be verified and approved by a non technical person like business analyst or a junior tester that is familiarizing with the system under test.
Maven - I am more familiar with this dependency management tool, so I chose it instead of gradle.
Lombok - this tool is generating a lot of code like setters, getter, acces modifiers and so on, so I included it.
Vavr - it wasn't used that much in the current project, but it's a useful tool that reduces amount of code and also it's making code more readable.
Selenium - is one of the most popular frameworks to run ui tests.
webdrivermanager - this is a small tool that is downloading and installing browser driver to be used by selenium in order to execute actions.
##Smoke suite test plan If there is no time for a full regression I would prefer to have a smoke pack that includes test that will verify basic flows:
- opening web client;
- navigating through some categories to verify that statistics are fetched;
- refreshing few times web page to see that statistics are reloading.