- sqlalchemy
- nose (if you want to use tests)
To write a new blog post:
./blog.py post add "post title" "post content"
This gives no output, but the post is added to the database. You can also assign a category to a post:
./blog.py post add "post title" "post content" --category "my category"
If the category does not exist, it gets created.
./blog.py post list
will list all the posts in a following format: post_id | posts_name | post_content
./blog.py post search "search_term"
will list only those posts that match the search term in title or content.
./blog.py category add "my category"
will add a new category
./blog.py category list
will list all the categories. If you specify a category (./blog.py category list "my category"
) it will list all the posts assigned to that category.
./blog.py category assign 1 2
will asign a post with an id 1 to a category with an id 2
will give help message for any command
run nosetests