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░▓ about ▓ EventLink mobile application
░▓ author ▓ iyyel <i@iyyel.io>, tmascagni <t.mascagni@gmail.com>
░▓ code ▓ https://github.com/Event-Link/mobile
░▓ mirror ▓ https://git.iyyel.io/EventLink/mobile
This is the first frontend for the EventLink event-management platform. More information about the platform can be found here.
EventLink started out as a bachelor's thesis at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Event-Link/mobile
Once cloned, you can open it in Visual Studio Code and compile application files for both Android and iOS. To get started with Flutter in Visual Studio Code, check out this guide.
This is simply a mobile application that sends api requests to the EventLink backend and gets results back. It does not contain a lot of functionality other than that plus OAuth2 single sign on.