A ServerAuth extension to do login/register directly on chat
PocketMine-MP plugins
PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.4 API 1.11.0
Dependency Plugins: ServerAuth v2.12 API 1.1.1
ChatLogin is a ServerAuth extension to do login and register directly in chat
EvolSoft Website: http://www.evolsoft.tk
This Plugin uses the New API. You can't install it on old versions of PocketMine.
/chatlogin - ChatLogin commands
Configuration (config.yml):
#ChatLogin plugin default configuration
#show ChatLogin prefix
show-prefix: true
#Register message
register-message: "&7Type your password in chat to register"
#Require password confirmation for registration
password-confirm-required: true
#Register confirmation message
register-confirm-message: "&bRe-type your password to confirm registration"
#No register permissions message
no-register-permissions: "&cYou don't have permissions to register"
#Login message
login-message: "&7Type your password in chat to login"
#No login permissions message
no-login-permissions: "&cYou don't have permissions to login"
/chatlogin - ChatLogin commands (aliases: [chlogin])
- chatlogin.* - ChatLogin commands permissions.
- chatlogin.help - Allows player to show plugin help.
- chatlogin.info - Allows player to read info about ChatLogin.
- chatlogin.reload - Allows player to reload ChatLogin.
- chatlogin.register - Allows player to do register in chat.
- chatlogin.login - Allows player to do login in chat.