OPGG Lookup is a simple command line tool written in python to easy look up builds for any champion in League of Legends.
All you gotta do is type in the name of the champion and the lane and it will open your favorite web browser for you and take you to a OP.GG page with the best build and runes for your champion and lane.
This works great if you want to play a champion in a lane that champion usually don't go and you want to find what item to start or what runes you should go.
This program works great when you need to quickly look up something for a champion or find un-indexed builds from OP.GG for your obscure picks.
Want to go Vel'Cos jungle, Lucian top, Olaf support?
This program got you covered !!
- 1: Download the OPGG-zip by clicking here.
- 2: Extract the zip file wherever you like on your computer.
- Example inside:
C:\Program Files (x86)
- Example inside:
- 3: Open the OPGG-master folder you just extracted.
- 4: Right-click the
file and create a shortcut or ping it to start.- Do NOT take the exe file out of the masters folder. It depends on the
file to function.
- Do NOT take the exe file out of the masters folder. It depends on the
- 5: You can now click the OPGG.exe shortcut / pined executable you just created to run the program.
- 1: Open the program
- 2: Start typing in the name of the champion you would like to lookup.
- Tips: You can press tab to auto-complete (must be lowercase to work)
- 3: Press enter when done typing in name of champion.
- 4: Start typing in name of lane you would like to lookup.
- Tips: You can press tab to auto-complete (must be lowercase to work)
- 5: Press enter when done typing in name of the lane.
Your default browser will open a new tab with the OPGG information you requested.
- mid
- top
- bot
- jungle
- support
- aatrox
- ahri
- akali
- alistar
- amumu
- anivia
- annie
- ashe
- aurelionsol
- azir
- bard
- blitzcrank
- brand
- braum
- caitlyn
- camille
- cassiopeia
- chogath
- corki
- darius
- diana
- drmundo
- draven
- ekko
- elise
- evelynn
- ezreal
- fiddlesticks
- fiora
- fizz
- galio
- gangplank
- garen
- gnar
- gragas
- graves
- hecarim
- heimerdinger
- illaoi
- ivern
- irelia
- janna
- jarvaniv
- jax
- jayce
- jhin
- jinx
- kaisa
- kalista
- karma
- karthus
- kassadin
- katarina
- kayle
- kayn
- kennen
- khazix
- kindred
- kled
- kogmaw
- leblanc
- leesin
- leona
- lissandra
- lucian
- lulu
- lux
- malphite
- malzahar
- maokai
- masteryi
- missfortune
- mordekaiser
- morgana
- nami
- nasus
- nautilus
- neeko
- nidalee
- nocturne
- nunu
- olaf
- orianna
- ornn
- pantheon
- poppy
- pyke
- quinn
- rakan
- rammus
- reksai
- renekton
- rengar
- riven
- rumble
- ryze
- sejuani
- shaco
- shen
- shyvana
- singed
- sion
- sivir
- skarner
- sona
- soraka
- swain
- sylas
- syndra
- tahmkench
- taliyah
- talon
- taric
- teemo
- thresh
- tristana
- trundle
- tryndamere
- twistedfate
- twitch
- udyr
- urgot
- varus
- vayne
- veigar
- velkoz
- vi
- viktor
- vladimir
- volibear
- warwick
- wukong
- xayah
- xerath
- xinzhao
- yasuo
- yorick
- zac
- zed
- ziggs
- zilean
- zoe
- zyra