this repository is for collecting codes in my learning coding.
- Programming Language Basic
- C, C++, Python, Java, C#, JavaScript
- Objective Oriented Programming
- Java, Python
- Algorithms and Data Structure
- DFS, BFS, Dijkstra, Floyd, SPFA, A*, Heap-sort, Quick-sort, Merge-sort
- BST, AVL, SegTree, Heap, Treap
- WebPage Programming
- Development Tools Mastering
- Linux, Unix, Windows
- vim, neovim, git, tmux
- IDEA, Jupyter Notebook, Xcode, EclipseEE, VSCode
- mySQL, Oracle
- Data Science and Analysis
- pandas, numpy, matplotlib
- beautifulsoup4, requests
- Machine Learning
- SVM, Decision Tree, Random Forest, K-means
- Tensorflow Keras
- Computer Architecture
- Simple 8-bit CPU Design
- Server
- socket, udp, tcp
- HTTP socket server
- Repository created
- vim
- git
- Java/Python Object Oriented Programming
- Databases: mySQL/oracle
- J2EE: Webapps@struts2-framework/servlet/jsp/tomcat-server
- Sockets
- Python Modulue Numpy/Matplotlib/Pandas
- Data Science ML: Decision Tree/Random Forest/Kmeans Algorithm
- Scraping: requests, beautiful soup 4
- mySQL python connector
- Data Washing Methods, data processing
- Clustering/PCA Dimension Reduction
- Threading, Mutual Exclusive, Peterson Algorithms
- Machine Learning: Neural Networks, CNN, RNN (Intro)
- Machine Learning: CNN, RNN, NN (Implement)
- Docker
- Django
- BootStrap