The project is enhancement for C# developer who are using Selenium for create tests on Web and Mobile, The project make your code to be more simplify , all you need to do is to fetch that solution and start define page object class with the very simple coding , define controls in page which give you the robust infrastructure based on Selenuim function and other JS tricks
first steps is to create two project aside to the core project: the first porject - is the pages classes the second project - is the tests classes
see Page login as example of your pages >> using attributes and reflictions
public class LoginPage : BasePage
[HtmlControl("txtUsername", SearchBy.Id)]
public HtmlControlTextBox UserName { get; set; }
[HtmlControl("txtPassword", SearchBy.Id)]
public HtmlControlTextBox Pass { get; set; }
[HtmlControl("btnLogin", SearchBy.Id)]
public HtmlControlButton LoginBtn { get; set; }
private WebRunner m_webRunner;
public static string PageUrl = string.Empty;
public LoginPage(WebRunner runner)
: base(runner)
m_webRunner = runner;
// --------------------------------------
And this is the test itself
public void TestMethod1() {
WebRunner webRunner;
webRunner = new WebRunner(TestProfile.IEProfile);
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(webRunner);
loginPage.UserName.Text = "User1";
loginPage.Pass.Text = "MyPassword";