App shows real-time weather updates for your location and any custom location you set. Weather forecast data is gotten from Apixu Api
- Local persistence using Room database
- MVVM architecture
- Material design
- Databinding for binding data to views
- Navigation component
- App uses
for data operations - Homescreen Widget that shows weather information
- Dependency injection with Dagger 2
- Crash reporting with Firebase Crashlytics
- Displays test ads
Follow these steps if you want to get a local copy of the project.
- Android Studio IDE 3.0+
- Android SDK v28
- Android Build Tools v28.0.3
- Gradle 4.10.1
on your git terminal
git clone
- In Android Studio, go to File -> New -> Import project
- Follow the dialog for set up instructions
- Get your api key from Apixu website
- Create a local
file and store the api key there
ApiXuKey="Your API Key here"
- AndroidX
- Navigation component
- Retrofit 2
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- Room
- Glide
- DataBinding
- Dagger2
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Timber
- WeatherIconView
- Moshi
- ThreeTenABP
- OkHttp3
- Google Admob
Ezike Tobenna
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - See: