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A simple Node.js CLI tool to generate JWTs using HS256 algorithm.


In order to use this CLI tool you can install it globally:

## with npm
npm install -g jwtier

## pnpm
pnpm add -g jwtier

## or yarn
yarn global add jwtier

or use it with npx:

npx jwtier


Call jwtier from the command line and you will be prompted to enter the following information:

Field Description Example
secret The secret from which the JWT will be generated. If you don't have one JWTier will generate one for you. mysecret
issuer Defines the iss JWT payload. my-company
audience Defines the aud JWT payload my-app
subject Defines the sub JWT payload auth
expiration Defines the exp JWT payload. It can be a Unix Timestamp or a string which will be resolved as a time span 1h, 2.5 weeks, 1717623978
extra payload Defines the extra payload to be added to the JWT. It must be a valid JSON string. {"foo": "bar"}

After this JWTier will display the JWT and the secret on your command line and copy it to your clipboard; you can test it with the JWT Debugger from!