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$$\color{gray}\boxed{\mathbb{\color{orange}{F4NT0 \space TECH \space WEBSITE}}}$$


This website was created to organize all tech information I studied or currently studying on university and courses.

Feel free to share and bring informations to help increase the knowledge gathered!.

$$\color{gray}\boxed{\mathbb{\color{orange}{HOW \space TO \space START}}}$$

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Install Ruby and the programs needed on this site: HERE ⬇️

  3. On this repo locally, run the command ${\color{orange}bundle}$ on your console

  4. After the bundle install all the ruby programms, run the project using:

bundle exec jekyll s

$$\color{gray}\boxed{\mathbb{\color{orange}{COMMANDS \space TO \space USE}}}$$