because in space no one can hear you Yelp
On the welcome page I can search for planetary destinations by their distance from Earth
As a user I can a list of clickable search results, or choose to view all the options
As a user I can view individual planet pages and:
- I can upvote planets
- I can see reviews and add my own reviews
- I can rate reviews, good or bad
SG I can log in
SG I can see a map of the planets
- Build an app using the Express framework.
- Use a PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve your data.
- Use the retrieved data to populate a Handlebars template for server-side rendering to be displayed on the front-end.
- Include tests and set up code coverage.
- Use Heroku or a similar service to host the app and the database.
- Try to include ES6 syntax on the server.
Put the database folder in the model folder.
Column | Type |
id | serial primary key |
name | varchar(20) |
distance | float |
description | text |
temperature | integer |
weather | varchar(200) |
interest | integer |
filename | varchar(40) |
thumbnailname | varchar(40) |
Column | Type |
id | serial primary key |
planet_id | integer references planets(id) |
user | varchar(20) |
content | text |
likes | integer |
dislikes | integer |
To setup myspace with a database running on a local installation of PostgreSQL,
createdb myspace
sudo -u postgres createuser majortom
sudo -u postgres createdb myspace ```
and in `psql`,
ALTER USER majortom WITH PASSWORD 'milkymilkyway'; ```
Create a config.env
for the project if you don't have one already and add to it the line
DB_TEST_URL = postgres://majortom:milkymilkyway@localhost:5432/myspace
Finally build the database:
npm run dbinit
- Express makes most things simpler but routing in express carries its own new risk of bugs.
is kewl.:after
allows you to define CSS properties to be applied after others, so they will take effect no matter what the properties are changed to previously.