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Analysis as an R package: Analysis of real-world data to study the Progression Independent of Relapse Activity within a Polish population of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis subjects.

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This is the analysis behind the Assessment of Disability Progression Independent of Relapse and Brain MRI Activity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Poland (Kapica-Topczewska et al. 2021), a peer-reviewed paper available at: The code has not been further optimised but reproduces with fidelity the reported results.


You can install the released version of RPack.PIRA from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Analysis Run


if (require(ggthemr)) ggthemr::ggthemr("fresh") 
#> Loading required package: ggthemr

captions <- function(x) {
    fig1 = "**Figure 1.** Comparison between observed frequencies of worsening
    diseases and month of observation when no relapse was ever recorded.
    The upper pane uses the complete set of observations
    (green; label at y = 1 is \"All\"),
      the middle pane uses first- and second-line treatment
      (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown; second-line, dark blue),
      and the lower pane uses drug
      (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY; Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue,
        GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab, light brown, NAT).
      Abundance is represented by transparency and the figure at the top of
      each bar. The error bar represents the standard error estimated as
      p × (1 − p)/n, with p being the number of positives and n the total
      number of observations.  DMT: disease-modifying therapy.
      See <>,
      fig2 = "**Figure 2**. Comparison of disease worsening and one relapse
      during the first year of treatment (between 6 and 12 months).
      Colors are for: R0 = no relapse, R1 = relapse during the first year.
      See <>,
      fig3 = "**Figure 3**.
      Comparison between disease worsening and three scenarios:
      R0 (no relapse), R1 (relapse during the first year),
      and R2 (relapse during the second year).
      See <>,
      fig4 = "**Figure 4**.
      Comparison between MRI activity and the three scenarios:
      R0 (no relapse), R1 (relapse during the first year), and
      R2 (relapse during the second year).
      See <>,
      fig5 = "**Figure 5.** Comparison between the observed frequencies of MRI
      activity and month of observation when no relapse was
      ever recorded. The upper pane uses the complete set of observations
      (green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses
      first- and second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown;
        second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses the
      drug (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY;
        Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab,
        light brown, NAT). DMT: disease-modifying therapy.
      See <>,
      fig6 = "**Figure 6**. Patients with evidenced disease progression:
      the proportion of estimations derived from observation of patients
      never associated with any relapses or brain MRI activity between 12
      and 60 months from the prescription start. The upper
      pane uses the complete set of observations
      (green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses first- and
      second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown;
        second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses the drug
      (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY;
        Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF;
        Natalizumab, light brown, NAT). The
      error bar represents the standard error estimated asp × (1 − p)/n,
      with p being the number of positives and n the total
      number of observations. DMT: disease-modifying therapy.
      See <>,

Patient characteristics

X <- split(ADPIRA, f = list(ADPIRA$presc_months_cat, ADPIRA$ARM))

tbl <-
  rbind, lapply(
    X, function(x){

        Arm = unique(x$ARMCD),
        Month = unique(x$presc_months),
        n = nrow(x),
        F.M = round(sum(x$sex == "female") / sum(x$sex == "male"), 2),
        age = round(median(x$age)),
        AgeSympt = round(median(x$AgeSympt), 2),
        Sympt2Presc = round(median(x$Sympt2Presc)/365.25, 2),
        rlp_n = sum(x$n_rlps_12m > 0),
        EDSS_start  = round(median(x$EDSS_start), 1),
        EDSS_current = round(median(x$EDSS_current), 1),
        Worse_n = sum(x$worse)


  caption = "Patient characteristics.
  Abbreviations: Arm = arm of the study;
  R0 = no relapse during treatment; R1, R2 = the occurrence of relapse
  during the first and the second year of treatment, respectively;
  MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; M = months; n = number;
  F:M = female to male ratio;
  Age Symptoms = age at the first symptoms;
  Symptoms = duration from the first symptoms to prescription start in years;
  EDSS = The Expanded Disability Status Scale;
  Worsening number = number of patients with disease worsening.",
  row.names = FALSE,
  col.names = c(
    Arm = "Arm", Month = "M", n = "n", "F.M" = "F:M", age = "Age",
    AgeSympt = "Age Symptoms", Sympt2Presc = "Symptoms",
    rlp_n   = "Relapse Number", EDSS_start = "EDSS Baseline",
    Worse_n = "Worsening Number"
Arm M n F:M Age Age Symptoms Symptoms Relapse Number EDSS Baseline NA Worsening Number
R0 12 5339 2.32 36 30.0 3.61 0 1.5 1.5 231
R0 24 2961 2.24 37 30.0 3.78 0 1.5 1.5 184
R0 36 1392 2.20 36 30.0 3.38 0 1.5 1.5 93
R0 48 525 2.28 36 31.0 3.48 0 1.5 1.5 40
R0 60 255 2.04 36 31.0 3.16 0 1.0 1.0 21
R0+MRI0 12 4051 2.38 37 31.0 3.90 0 2.0 1.5 170
R0+MRI0 24 2010 2.33 38 31.0 4.22 0 1.5 1.5 130
R0+MRI0 36 885 2.16 38 31.0 3.78 0 1.5 1.5 67
R0+MRI0 48 296 2.75 38 32.0 3.78 0 1.5 1.5 27
R0+MRI0 60 139 2.56 38 32.0 3.65 0 1.0 1.0 11
R1- 12 250 2.52 35 28.0 4.21 0 2.0 2.2 13
R1- 24 80 3.00 36 28.0 4.77 0 2.2 2.0 2
R1- 36 40 2.33 37 29.5 3.32 0 2.0 2.0 0
R1- 48 12 2.00 30 27.0 2.45 0 2.0 1.8 0
R1- 60 6 2.00 33 29.0 1.81 0 2.0 2.0 1
R1 12 592 2.23 35 28.0 4.06 0 2.0 2.5 103
R1 24 153 2.48 35 28.0 4.37 0 2.0 2.0 17
R1 36 63 1.86 37 29.0 3.69 0 2.0 2.0 5
R1 48 21 2.00 32 28.0 2.57 0 1.5 1.5 0
R1 60 10 1.50 30 27.0 2.03 0 1.5 1.8 1
R1+ 12 342 2.05 35 28.0 4.00 0 2.0 2.5 90
R1+ 24 73 2.04 34 28.0 3.98 0 2.0 2.0 15
R1+ 36 23 1.30 36 27.0 4.31 0 2.0 2.5 5
R1+ 48 9 2.00 35 30.0 2.79 0 1.5 1.5 0
R1+ 60 4 1.00 28 24.0 2.97 0 1.2 1.2 0
R2 12 5339 2.32 36 30.0 3.61 0 1.5 1.5 231
R2 24 378 2.26 37 30.0 3.46 0 2.0 2.0 94
R2 36 116 1.37 38 32.0 2.89 0 2.0 2.0 16
R2 48 31 2.10 38 32.0 2.16 0 1.5 2.0 5
R2 60 12 3.00 38 34.0 1.75 0 1.2 1.8 3

Patient characteristics. Abbreviations: Arm = arm of the study; R0 = no relapse during treatment; R1, R2 = the occurrence of relapse during the first and the second year of treatment, respectively; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; M = months; n = number; F:M = female to male ratio; Age Symptoms = age at the first symptoms; Symptoms = duration from the first symptoms to prescription start in years; EDSS = The Expanded Disability Status Scale; Worsening number = number of patients with disease worsening.

Disease progression and relapses

norlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0")
X <- split(x = norlp, f = norlp$presc_months_cat)
Xline <- split(
  x = norlp, f = with(norlp, paste(presc_months_cat, treatment_line))
Xpres <- split(
  x = norlp, f = with(norlp, paste(presc_months_cat, prescription)),
  drop = TRUE

FUN <- function(
  criteria = c("worse", "dMRI_12m"),
  drug = FALSE, case = NA, line = FALSE) {

  criteria <- match.arg(criteria)
  y <- data.frame(
    Time = unique(x$presc_months_cat),
    n = nrow(x),
    x = sum(x[[criteria]]),
    line = ifelse(line & !drug, as.character(unique(x$treatment_line)), ""),
    drug = ifelse(drug, unique(x$prescription), ""),
    case = case,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  y$p <- y$x / y$n
  y$halfCI <- 1.96 * sqrt((y$p * (1 - y$p)) / y$n)
  y$halfCI <- sqrt( (y$p*(1-y$p))/ y$n)
  y$up <- ifelse(y$p + y$halfCI < 1, y$p + y$halfCI, 1)
  y$lo <- ifelse(y$p - y$halfCI > 0, y$p - y$halfCI, 0)



dtaplot <- rbind(, lapply(X, FUN, case = "1) All")),, lapply(Xline, FUN, case = "2) line", line = TRUE)),, lapply(Xpres, FUN, case = "3) drug", line = TRUE, drug = TRUE))

dtaplot <- subset(dtaplot, (up - lo) < .1)

# Graph fine tuning.
dtaplot <- rbind(
    Time = c(48, 48, 60, 60, 60, 48, 60),
    n = 0,
    x = NA,
    line = c(
      "", "", "", "", "",
      "II", "II"
    drug = c(
      "FTY", "NAT", "FTY", "NAT", "GLA",
      "", ""
    case = c(
      "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug",
      "2) line", "2) line"
    lo = NA,
    up = NA,
    halfCI = NA,
    p = 0.001
dtaplot$Colour <- with(
  dtaplot, ifelse(
    case == "1) All", "All", 
    ifelse(case == "2) line", line, drug)
dtaplot$Colour <- factor(
  dtaplot$Colour, levels = c("INF", "GLA", "FTY", "NAT", "I", "II", "All")
dtaplot$case <- factor(
  dtaplot$case, levels = c("1) All", "2) line", "3) drug"),
  labels = c("All", "Line", "DMT")

gg <- {
    data = dtaplot,
    mapping = aes(
      x = Time, y = 100 * p,
      size = n,
      colour = Colour,
      fill = Colour,
      label = n,
      ymax = 100 * up, ymin = 100 * lo
    ) + geom_col(
    position = "dodge",
    color = NA, size = 1, width = 9.5,
    alpha = .8
    ) + geom_errorbar(
    size = .5, alpha = 1, width = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "gray45" 
    ) + scale_alpha_continuous(
    range = c(min = .3, max = .9)
    ) + coord_cartesian(
    ylim = c(-1, max(15, dtaplot$up *100, na.rm = TRUE)),
    xlim = c(6, 65)
    ) + geom_text(
    mapping = aes(y = 100*up),
    alpha = 1, size = 2.8, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    vjust = -1.2,
    color = "black",
    fontface = "italic"
    ) + geom_label(
    mapping = aes(label = Colour), y = -.75,
    alpha = 1, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    colour = "white"
    ) + scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = c(6, seq(0 , 60, 12))
    ) + ylab(
    expression("Freq. worsen disease (% "%+-%" std. err.)")
    ) + xlab(
    "Time since prescription start (months)"
    ) + facet_grid(
    ) + theme(
    legend.position = "none",
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank()

#> Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (geom_text).

**Figure 1.** Comparison between observed frequencies of worsening
diseases and month of observation when no relapse was ever recorded.
The upper pane uses the complete set of observations
(green; label at y = 1 is "All"),
the middle pane uses first- and second-line treatment
(label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown; second-line, dark blue),
and the lower pane uses drug
(label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY; Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue,
GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab, light brown, NAT).
Abundance is represented by transparency and the figure at the top of
each bar. The error bar represents the standard error estimated as
p × (1 − p)/n, with p being the number of positives and n the total
number of observations.  DMT: disease-modifying therapy.
See <>,

Figure 1. Comparison between observed frequencies of worsening diseases and month of observation when no relapse was ever recorded. The upper pane uses the complete set of observations (green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses first- and second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown; second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses drug (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY; Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab, light brown, NAT). Abundance is represented by transparency and the figure at the top of each bar. The error bar represents the standard error estimated as p × (1 − p)/n, with p being the number of positives and n the total number of observations. DMT: disease-modifying therapy. See, Kapica-Topczewska et al. (2021).

norlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0")
onerlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1")
onebadrlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1+")
onelowrlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1-")

Xnr <- split(x = norlp, f = norlp$presc_months_cat)
Xor <- split(x = onerlp, f = onerlp$presc_months_cat)
Xbr <- split(x = onebadrlp, f = onebadrlp$presc_months_cat)
Xlr <- split(x = onelowrlp, f = onelowrlp$presc_months_cat)

dtaplot <- rbind(, lapply(Xnr, FUN, case = "1) R0")),, lapply(Xor, FUN, case = "2) R1 (all)")),, lapply(Xbr, FUN, case = "3) R1+ (severe)")),, lapply(Xlr, FUN, case = "4) R1- (moderate)"))

dtaplot <- subset(
  (up - lo) < .15  & (up + lo) > 0 & Time %in% seq(12, 36, 12)
dtaplot <- rbind(
    Time = c(36, 36),
    n = c(0, 0),
    x = NA,
    line = "",
    drug = "",
    case = c("3) R1+ (severe)", "4) R1- (moderate)"),
    lo = NA,
    up = NA,
    halfCI = NA,
    p = 0.001
gg <- {
    data = dtaplot,
    mapping = aes(
      x = Time, y = 100*p,
      size = n,
      colour = case,
      fill = case,
      label = n,
      ymax = 100*up, ymin = 100*lo
    ) + geom_col(
    position = "dodge",
    color = NA, size = 1, width = 9.5
    ) + geom_errorbar(
    size = .5, alpha = 1, width = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "gray45" 
    ) + scale_alpha_continuous(
    range = c(min = .3, max = .9)
    ) + coord_cartesian(
    ylim = c(-1, max(15, dtaplot$up *100+3, na.rm = TRUE)),
    xlim = c(6, 41)
    ) + geom_text(
    y = -1,
    alpha = 1, size = 2.8, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "black",
    fontface = "italic"
    ) + scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = c(6, seq(0 , 36, 12))
    ) + ylab(
    expression("Freq. worsen disease (% "%+-%" std. err.)")
    ) + xlab(
    "Time since prescription start (months)"
    ) + theme(
    legend.position = "bottom",
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank()


**Figure 2**. Comparison of disease worsening and one relapse
during the first year of treatment (between 6 and 12 months).
Colors are for: R0 = no relapse, R1 = relapse during the first year.
See <>,

Figure 2. Comparison of disease worsening and one relapse during the first year of treatment (between 6 and 12 months). Colors are for: R0 = no relapse, R1 = relapse during the first year. See, Kapica-Topczewska et al. (2021).

Disease progression and MRI Activity

norlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0")
onerlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1")
oneY2rlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R2")

Xnr     <- split(x = norlp, f = norlp$presc_months_cat)
Xor     <- split(x = onerlp, f = onerlp$presc_months_cat)
X2r     <- split(x = oneY2rlp, f = oneY2rlp$presc_months_cat)

dtaplot <- rbind(, lapply(Xnr, FUN, case = "1) R0"))
  ,, lapply(Xor, FUN, case = "2) R1 (all)"))
  ,, lapply(X2r, FUN, case = "3) R2"))

dtaplot <- subset(
  (up - lo) < .10  & (up + lo) > 0 & Time %in% seq(12, 36, 12)

gg <- {
    data = dtaplot,
    mapping = aes(
      x = Time, y = 100*p,
      size = n,
      colour = case,
      fill = case,
      label = n,
      ymax = 100*up, ymin = 100*lo
    ) + geom_col(
    position = "dodge",
    color = NA, size = 1, width = 9.5
    ) + geom_errorbar(
    size = .5, alpha = 1, width = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "gray45" 
    ) + scale_alpha_continuous(
    range = c(min = .3, max = .9)
    ) + coord_cartesian(
    ylim = c(-1, max(15, dtaplot$up *100+3, na.rm = TRUE)),
    xlim = c(6, 41)
    ) + geom_text(
    y = -1,
    alpha = 1, size = 2.8, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "black",
    fontface = "italic"
    ) + scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = c(6, seq(0 , 36, 12))
    ) + ylab(
    expression("Freq. worsen disease (% "%+-%" std. err.)")
    ) + xlab(
    "Time since prescription start (months)"
    ) + theme(
    legend.position = "bottom",
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank()


**Figure 3**.
Comparison between disease worsening and three scenarios:
R0 (no relapse), R1 (relapse during the first year),
and R2 (relapse during the second year).
See <>,

Figure 3. Comparison between disease worsening and three scenarios: R0 (no relapse), R1 (relapse during the first year), and R2 (relapse during the second year). See, Kapica-Topczewska et al. (2021).

norlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0")
onerlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1")
oneY2rlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R2")

Xnr <- split(x = norlp, f = norlp$presc_months_cat)
Xor <- split(x = onerlp, f = onerlp$presc_months_cat)
X2r <- split(x = oneY2rlp, f = oneY2rlp$presc_months_cat)

FUN <- function(x, drug = FALSE, case = NA, line = FALSE){

  y <- data.frame(
    Time = unique(x$presc_months_cat),
    n    = nrow(x),                    # n cases
    x    = sum(x$dMRI_12m >= 1),                # positive cases
    line = ifelse(line & !drug, as.character(unique(x$treatment_line)), ''),
    drug = ifelse(drug, unique(x$prescription), ''),
    case = case,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  y <- within(
    data = y,
    expr = {
      p      <- x/n;
      halfCI <- 1.96 *sqrt( (p*(1-p))/ n)
      halfCI <- sqrt( (p*(1-p))/ n)
      up     <- ifelse(p + halfCI < 1, p + halfCI, 1)
      lo     <- ifelse(p - halfCI > 0, p - halfCI, 0)



dtaplot <- rbind(, lapply(Xnr, FUN, case = "1) R0")),, lapply(Xor, FUN, case = "2) R1")),, lapply(X2r, FUN, case = "3) R2"))

dtaplot <- subset(
  (up - lo) < .10  & (up + lo) > 0 & Time %in% seq(12, 36, 12)

dtaplot <- rbind(
    Time = 36,
    n = 0,
    x = NA,
    line = "",
    drug = "",
    case = c("2) R1"),
    lo = NA,
    up = NA,
    halfCI = NA,
    p = 0.002

gg <- {
    data = dtaplot,
    mapping = aes(
      x = Time, y = 100*p,
      size = n,
      colour = case,
      fill = case,
      label = n,
      ymax = 100*up, ymin = 100*lo
    ) + geom_col(
    position = "dodge",
    color = NA, size = 1, width = 9.5
    ) + geom_errorbar(
    size = .5, alpha = 1, width = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "gray45" 
    ) + scale_alpha_continuous(
    range = c(min = .3, max = .9)
    ) + coord_cartesian(
    ylim = c(-1, max(15, dtaplot$up *100+3, na.rm = TRUE)),
    xlim = c(6, 41)
    ) + geom_text(
    y = -1,
    alpha = 1, size = 2.8, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "black",
    fontface = "italic"
    ) + scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = c(6, seq(0 , 36, 12))
    ) + ylab(
    expression("Freq. worsen disease (% "%+-%" std. err.)")
    ) + xlab(
    "Time since prescription start (months)"
    ) + theme(
    legend.position = "bottom",
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank()



**Figure 4**.
Comparison between MRI activity and the three scenarios:
R0 (no relapse), R1 (relapse during the first year), and
R2 (relapse during the second year).
See <>,

Figure 4. Comparison between MRI activity and the three scenarios: R0 (no relapse), R1 (relapse during the first year), and R2 (relapse during the second year). See, Kapica-Topczewska et al. (2021).

#[FC/200121/14:45]# graph MRI worsening? 

norlp <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0")

X     <- split(x = norlp, f = norlp$presc_months_cat)
Xline <- split(x = norlp, f = with(norlp, paste(presc_months_cat, treatment_line)))
Xpres <- split(
  x = norlp, f = with(norlp, paste(presc_months_cat, prescription)),
  drop = TRUE

FUN <- function(x, drug = FALSE, case = NA, line = FALSE){

  y <- data.frame(
    Time = unique(x$presc_months_cat),
    n    = nrow(x),                            # n cases
    x    = sum(x$dMRI_12m >=1),                # positive cases
    line = ifelse(line & !drug, as.character(unique(x$treatment_line)), ''),
    drug = ifelse(drug, unique(x$prescription), ''),
    case = case,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  y <- within(
    data = y,
    expr = {
      p      <- x/n;
      halfCI <- 1.96 *sqrt( (p*(1-p))/ n);
      halfCI <- sqrt( (p*(1-p))/ n);
      up     <- ifelse(p + halfCI < 1, p + halfCI, 1);
      lo     <- ifelse(p - halfCI > 0, p - halfCI, 0);



dtaplot <- rbind(, lapply(X, FUN, case = "1) All"))
  ,, lapply(Xline, FUN, case = "2) line", line = TRUE))
  ,, lapply(Xpres, FUN, case = "3) drug", line = TRUE, drug = TRUE))

dtaplot <- subset(
  !(drug %in% c("DMF", "PEG")) 
  & (up - lo) < .1

dtaplot <- rbind(
    Time = c(48, 48, 48, 60, 60, 60, 48, 60),
    n = 0,
    x = NA,
    line = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "II", "II"),
    drug = c("GLA", "FTY", "NAT", "FTY", "NAT", "GLA", "", ""),
    case = c(
      "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug",
      "2) line", "2) line"
    lo = NA,
    up = NA,
    halfCI = NA,
    p = 0.001

dtaplot$Colour <- with(
  dtaplot, ifelse(
    case == "1) All", "All", 
    ifelse(case == "2) line", line, drug)

dtaplot$Colour <- factor(
  dtaplot$Colour, levels = c("INF", "GLA", "FTY", "NAT", "I", "II", "All")
dtaplot$case <- factor(
  dtaplot$case, levels = c("1) All", "2) line", "3) drug"),
  labels = c("All", "Line", "DMT")

gg <- {
    data = dtaplot,
    mapping = aes(
      x = Time, y = 100*p,
      size = n,
      colour = Colour,
      fill = Colour,
      label = n,
      ymax = 100*up, ymin = 100*lo
    ) + geom_col(
    position = "dodge",
    color = NA, size = 1, width = 9.5,
    alpha = .8
    ) + geom_errorbar(
    size = .5, alpha = 1, width = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "gray45" 
    ) + scale_alpha_continuous(
    range = c(min = .3, max = .9)
    ) + coord_cartesian(
    ylim = c(-1.5, 32),
    xlim = c(6, 65)
    ) + geom_text(
    mapping = aes(y = 100*up),
    alpha = 1, size = 2.8, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    vjust = -1.2,
    color = "black",
    fontface = "italic"
    ) + geom_label(
    mapping = aes(label = Colour), y = -1.5,
    alpha = 1, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    colour = "white"
    ) + scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = c(6, seq(0 , 60, 12))
    ) + ylab(
    "Freq. MRI activity (%, +/- std. err.)"
    ) + xlab(
    "Time since prescription start (months)"
    ) + facet_grid(
    ) + theme(
    legend.position = "none",
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank()

#> Warning: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_text).

**Figure 5.** Comparison between the observed frequencies of MRI
activity and month of observation when no relapse was
ever recorded. The upper pane uses the complete set of observations
(green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses
first- and second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown;
second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses the
drug (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY;
Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab,
light brown, NAT). DMT: disease-modifying therapy.
See <>,

Figure 5. Comparison between the observed frequencies of MRI activity and month of observation when no relapse was ever recorded. The upper pane uses the complete set of observations (green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses first- and second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown; second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses the drug (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY; Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab, light brown, NAT). DMT: disease-modifying therapy. See, Kapica-Topczewska et al. (2021).

Disease progression: relapses and MRI Activity

pirma <- subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0+MRI0")
X     <- split(x = pirma, f = pirma$presc_months_cat)
Xline <- split(x = pirma, f = with(pirma, paste(presc_months_cat, treatment_line)))
Xpres <- split(
  x = pirma, f = with(pirma, paste(presc_months_cat, prescription)),
  drop = TRUE

FUN <- function(x, drug = FALSE, case = NA, line = FALSE){

  y <- data.frame(
    Time = unique(x$presc_months_cat),
    n    = nrow(x),                    # n cases
    x    = sum(x$worse),               # positive cases
    line = ifelse(line & !drug, as.character(unique(x$treatment_line)), ''),
    drug = ifelse(drug, unique(x$prescription), ''),
    case = case,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  y <- within(
    data = y,
    expr = {
      p      <- x/n;
      halfCI <- 1.96 *sqrt( (p*(1-p))/ n);
      halfCI <- sqrt( (p*(1-p))/ n);
      up     <- ifelse(p + halfCI < 1, p + halfCI, 1);
      lo     <- ifelse(p - halfCI > 0, p - halfCI, 0);



dtaplot <- rbind(, lapply(X, FUN, case = "1) All"))
  ,, lapply(Xline, FUN, case = "2) line", line = TRUE))
  ,, lapply(Xpres, FUN, case = "3) drug", line = TRUE, drug = TRUE))

dtaplot <- subset(
  !(drug %in% c("DMF", "PEG")) 
  & (up - lo) < .1

dtaplot <- rbind(
    Time = c(48, 48, 48, 60, 60, 60, 48, 60),
    n = 0,
    x = NA,
    line = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "II", "II"),
    drug = c("GLA", "FTY", "NAT", "FTY", "NAT", "GLA", "", ""),
    case = c(
      "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug", "3) drug",
      "2) line", "2) line"
    lo = NA,
    up = NA,
    halfCI = NA,
    p = 0.0005

dtaplot$Colour <- with(
  dtaplot, ifelse(
    case == "1) All", "All", 
    ifelse(case == "2) line", line, drug)

dtaplot$Colour <- factor(
  dtaplot$Colour, levels = c("INF", "GLA", "FTY", "NAT", "I", "II", "All")
dtaplot$case <- factor(
  dtaplot$case, levels = c("1) All", "2) line", "3) drug"),
  labels = c("All", "Line", "DMT")

gg <- {
    data = dtaplot,
    mapping = aes(
      x = Time, y = 100*p,
      size = n,
      colour = Colour,
      fill = Colour,
      label = n,
      ymax = 100*up, ymin = 100*lo
    ) + geom_col(
    position = "dodge",
    color = NA, size = 1, width = 9.5,
    alpha = .8
    ) + geom_errorbar(
    size = .5, alpha = 1, width = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    color = "gray45" 
    ) + scale_alpha_continuous(
    range = c(min = .3, max = .9)
    ) + coord_cartesian(
    ylim = c(-.75, 12),
    xlim = c(6, 65)
    ) + geom_text(
    mapping = aes(y = 100*up),
    alpha = 1, size = 2.8, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    vjust = -1.2,
    color = "black",
    fontface = "italic"
    ) + geom_label(
    mapping = aes(label = Colour), y = -.75,
    alpha = 1, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 9.5),
    colour = "white"
    ) + scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = c(6, seq(0 , 60, 12))
    ) + ylab(
    expression("Freq. worsen disease (% "%+-%" std. err.)")
    ) + xlab(
    "Time since prescription start (months)"
    ) + facet_grid(
    ) + theme(
    legend.position = "none",
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank()

#> Warning: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_text).

**Figure 6**. Patients with evidenced disease progression:
the proportion of estimations derived from observation of patients
never associated with any relapses or brain MRI activity between 12
and 60 months from the prescription start. The upper
pane uses the complete set of observations
(green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses first- and
second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown;
second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses the drug
(label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY;
Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF;
Natalizumab, light brown, NAT). The
error bar represents the standard error estimated asp × (1 − p)/n,
with p being the number of positives and n the total
number of observations. DMT: disease-modifying therapy.
See <>,

Figure 6. Patients with evidenced disease progression: the proportion of estimations derived from observation of patients never associated with any relapses or brain MRI activity between 12 and 60 months from the prescription start. The upper pane uses the complete set of observations (green; label at y = 1 is “All”), the middle pane uses first- and second-line treatment (label at y = 1; first-line, dark brown; second-line, dark blue), and the lower pane uses the drug (label at y = 1; Fingolimod, red, FTY; Glatiramer Acetate, dark blue, GLA; Interferon, blue, INF; Natalizumab, light brown, NAT). The error bar represents the standard error estimated asp × (1 − p)/n, with p being the number of positives and n the total number of observations. DMT: disease-modifying therapy. See, Kapica-Topczewska et al. (2021).

Modele: Probability of Disease Worsening

# > "*overdispersion when residual deviance is larger than residual degrees of
# > freedom*" [@Crawley2013]

res_glm <- list()

#[FC/200728/07:18]# R0 {{{

res_glm$R0$data <- with(
  data = subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0"),
  expr = {
      Time = factor(presc_months_cat),
      ARMCD = ARMCD,
      line = treatment_line,
      drug = prescription,
      sex = sex,
      age = age,
      EDSS = EDSS_start,

res_glm$R0$glm <- glm(
  worse ~ Time + (age + EDSS), data = res_glm$R0$data,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200728/07:18]# R1 {{{

res_glm$R1$data <- with(
  data = subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1" & ! presc_months_cat %in% c(48, 60)),
  expr = {
      Time = factor(presc_months_cat),
      ARMCD = ARMCD,
      line = treatment_line,
      drug = prescription,
      sex = sex,
      age = age,
      EDSS = EDSS_start,

res_glm$R1$glm <- glm(
  worse ~ Time * (age + EDSS + line + sex)
  -Time:sex -Time:drug -Time:line -line -Time:age -Time:EDSS -age,
  data = res_glm$R1$data,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC 200807 07:14]# R1+ {{{

res_glm$`R1+`$data <- with(
  data = subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1+" & ! presc_months_cat %in% c(48, 60)),
  expr = {
      Time = factor(presc_months_cat),
      ARMCD = ARMCD,
      line = treatment_line,
      drug = prescription,
      sex = sex,
      age = age,
      EDSS = EDSS_start,

res_glm$`R1+`$glm <- glm(
  worse ~ Time + EDSS + sex,
  #   worse ~ Time * (age + EDSS + line + sex + drug)
  #   -Time:line -Time:EDSS -Time:age -line -Time:drug -drug -age -Time:sex,
  data = res_glm$`R1+`$data,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC 200807 07:14]# R1- {{{

res_glm$`R1-`$data <- with(
  data = subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R1-" & ! presc_months_cat %in% c(36, 48, 60)),
  expr = {
      Time = factor(presc_months_cat),
      ARMCD = ARMCD,
      line = treatment_line,
      drug = prescription,
      sex = sex,
      age = age,
      EDSS = EDSS_start,

res_glm$`R1-`$glm <- glm(
  worse ~ Time,
  data = res_glm$`R1-`$data,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200728/07:18]# R2 {{{

res_glm$R2$data <- with(
  data = subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R2"),
  expr = {
      Time = factor(presc_months_cat),
      ARMCD = ARMCD,
      line = treatment_line,
      drug = prescription,
      sex = sex,
      age = age,
      EDSS = EDSS_start,

res_glm$R2$glm <- glm(
  worse ~ Time * (age + EDSS + drug + sex) -Time:age -Time:line -Time:drug
  -drug -Time:sex -sex -Time:EDSS, 
  data = res_glm$R2$data,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200728/07:18]# R0+MRI0 {{{

res_glm$`R0+MRI0`$data <- with(
  data = subset(ADPIRA, ARMCD == "R0+MRI0"),
  expr = {
      Time = factor(presc_months_cat),
      ARMCD = ARMCD,
      line = treatment_line,
      drug = prescription,
      sex = sex,
      age = age,
      EDSS = EDSS_start,

res_glm$`R0+MRI0`$glm <- glm(
  worse ~ Time + age + EDSS,
  data = res_glm$`R0+MRI0`$data,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")

###}}} -- vim fold
covariates <- c("sex", "line", "drug", "age", "EDSS")
X <- lapply(res_glm, function(x) x$glm)

devianceTables <- lapply(
  X, function(x) {

    covariates <- covariates[! covariates %in% attr(terms(x), "term.labels")]

    y <- lapply(
      covariates, function(y) {
        effect <- y
        y <- update(x, as.formula(paste(" . ~ . +", y)))
        y <-, y, test = "Chisq"))
        rownames(y) <- c(
          paste0("[#] ", paste(attr(terms(x), "term.labels"), collapse = "+"))
          , paste0("# + ", effect))

    unique(, y))


devianceTables <- Map(
  function(tbl, name) {
    tbl <- cbind(
      Arm = name,
      Covariates = rownames(tbl),
    rownames(tbl) <- NULL
  devianceTables, names(devianceTables)

devianceTables <-, devianceTables)
rownames(devianceTables) <- NULL

  caption = paste(
    "Candiadate covariates. ",
    "The deviance table compares within each Arm the deviance of ",
    "the model [#] to the model including an additional covariate (#+)."
Arm Covariates Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
R0 [#] Time+age+EDSS 10465 4331.6046 NA NA NA
R0 # + sex 10464 4331.2730 1 0.3315723 0.5647347
R0 # + line 10464 4329.0596 1 2.5450096 0.1106432
R0 # + drug 10462 4327.1385 3 4.4660468 0.2153389
R1 [#] Time+EDSS+sex 803 661.1765 NA NA NA
R1 # + line 802 661.1756 1 0.0009201 0.9758010
R1 # + drug 800 660.5379 3 0.6386538 0.8875292
R1 # + age 802 658.5293 1 2.6472572 0.1037287
R1+ [#] Time+EDSS+sex 433 474.3609 NA NA NA
R1+ # + line 432 473.7767 1 0.5842904 0.4446355
R1+ # + drug 430 473.4962 3 0.8647174 0.8339329
R1+ # + age 432 473.6428 1 0.7181511 0.3967510
R1- [#] Time 328 120.8864 NA NA NA
R1- # + sex 327 120.8734 1 0.0129546 0.9093820
R1- # + line 327 120.6265 1 0.2598883 0.6101969
R1- # + drug 325 117.0125 3 3.8738161 0.2754160
R1- # + age 327 118.9841 1 1.9023100 0.1678200
R1- # + EDSS 327 120.8557 1 0.0307115 0.8608857
R2 [#] Time+age+EDSS 5869 2415.0556 NA NA NA
R2 # + sex 5868 2414.7703 1 0.2852875 0.5932564
R2 # + line 5868 2415.0038 1 0.0517659 0.8200186
R2 # + drug 5866 2413.0608 3 1.9947361 0.5735000
R0+MRI0 [#] Time+age+EDSS 7374 3057.5957 NA NA NA
R0+MRI0 # + sex 7373 3056.4273 1 1.1683623 0.2797380
R0+MRI0 # + line 7373 3056.5877 1 1.0080140 0.3153791
R0+MRI0 # + drug 7371 3055.8399 3 1.7557917 0.6246021

Candiadate covariates. The deviance table compares within each Arm the deviance of the model [#] to the model including an additional covariate (#+).

X <- lapply(res_glm, function(x) x$glm)

effectTest <- lapply(
  X = X,
  FUN = function(x) {, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE))

effectTest <- Map(
  function(tbl, name) {
    tbl <- cbind(
      Arm = name,
    rownames(tbl) <- NULL
  effectTest, names(effectTest)

effectTest <-, effectTest)
rownames(effectTest) <- NULL

  caption = "Effect tests."
Arm term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
R0 (Intercept) 0.0159099 0.1758165 -23.5519260 0.0000000 0.0112342 0.0223827
R0 Time24 1.4400976 0.1019537 3.5772217 0.0003473 1.1783074 1.7577058
R0 Time36 1.5530080 0.1272181 3.4601487 0.0005399 1.2053054 1.9857485
R0 Time48 1.7683206 0.1786472 3.1908166 0.0014187 1.2298044 2.4816719
R0 Time60 1.9133241 0.2389880 2.7149566 0.0066284 1.1652859 2.9874159
R0 age 1.0336151 0.0042812 7.7226589 0.0000000 1.0249880 1.0423384
R0 EDSS 0.8859283 0.0377181 -3.2111738 0.0013219 0.8221604 0.9531646
R1 (Intercept) 0.3915201 0.2156065 -4.3492128 0.0000137 0.2551541 0.5947259
R1 Time24 0.5818220 0.2836181 -1.9095769 0.0561877 0.3238569 0.9906386
R1 Time36 0.3929735 0.4830662 -1.9335094 0.0531735 0.1337507 0.9242070
R1 EDSS 0.6860285 0.0867892 -4.3419709 0.0000141 0.5762608 0.8100402
R1 sexmale 1.7202530 0.2046138 2.6511962 0.0080207 1.1481310 2.5643997
R1+ (Intercept) 0.5791392 0.2417755 -2.2591721 0.0238727 0.3585056 0.9268643
R1+ Time24 0.6748859 0.3219724 -1.2212586 0.2219881 0.3485051 1.2404674
R1+ Time36 0.7176105 0.5300170 -0.6260710 0.5312684 0.2279344 1.8986711
R1+ EDSS 0.7108579 0.1002566 -3.4040927 0.0006638 0.5815889 0.8622552
R1+ sexmale 1.7792792 0.2315053 2.4889635 0.0128116 1.1283132 2.8007257
R1- (Intercept) 0.0548523 0.2848552 -10.1915316 0.0000000 0.0298083 0.0918916
R1- Time24 0.4674556 0.7706830 -0.9867233 0.3237783 0.0720818 1.7408554
R2 (Intercept) 0.0218705 0.2136566 -17.8914021 0.0000000 0.0143089 0.0330734
R2 Time24 7.9402682 0.1396443 14.8373222 0.0000000 6.0225925 10.4173481
R2 Time36 3.7069769 0.2806290 4.6688566 0.0000030 2.0660900 6.2515608
R2 Time48 4.1959623 0.4970106 2.8854975 0.0039080 1.4006973 10.2462266
R2 Time60 6.6066892 0.6763177 2.7917095 0.0052430 1.4455332 22.6271134
R2 age 1.0318529 0.0054831 5.7186566 0.0000000 1.0208436 1.0430317
R2 EDSS 0.7658628 0.0527791 -5.0541242 0.0000004 0.6896365 0.8481670
R0+MRI0 (Intercept) 0.0161072 0.2152669 -19.1784490 0.0000000 0.0105102 0.0244448
R0+MRI0 Time24 1.5283783 0.1203618 3.5244344 0.0004244 1.2056012 1.9333330
R0+MRI0 Time36 1.7960316 0.1500578 3.9023595 0.0000953 1.3306328 2.3983973
R0+MRI0 Time48 2.1191364 0.2180215 3.4446541 0.0005718 1.3554449 3.1961796
R0+MRI0 Time60 1.7760974 0.3258114 1.7630401 0.0778937 0.8868399 3.2193851
R0+MRI0 age 1.0347541 0.0051807 6.5944005 0.0000000 1.0243201 1.0453413
R0+MRI0 EDSS 0.8318432 0.0446721 -4.1213939 0.0000377 0.7613255 0.9070329

Effect tests.

at <- list(EDSS = 2, age = 30, sex = "female")

em <- list()

#[FC/200804/12:56]# R0 {{{

em$R0 <-
      object = res_glm$R0$glm, specs = ~ EDSS + age + Time, at = at,
      type = "response"

em$R0 <- within(
  expr = {
    covariate <- paste0("[EDSS=", EDSS, "] [Age=", age, "]")
    Arm <- "R0"

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200804/12:57]# R1 {{{

em$R1 <-
      object = res_glm$R1$glm, specs = ~ EDSS + sex + Time, at = at,
      type = "response"
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     drug %in% line

em$R1 <- within(
  expr = {
    covariate <- paste0("[EDSS=", EDSS, "] [Sex=", sex, "]")
    Arm <- "R1"

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200804/12:57]# R1+ {{{

em$`R1+` <-
      object = res_glm$`R1+`$glm, specs = ~ EDSS + sex + Time, at = at,
      type = "response"

em$`R1+` <- within(
  expr = {
    covariate <- paste0("[EDSS=", EDSS, "] [Sex=", sex, "]")
    Arm <- "`R1+`"

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200804/12:57]# R1- {{{

em$`R1-` <-
      object = res_glm$`R1-`$glm, specs = ~ Time, at = at,
      type = "response"

em$`R1-` <- within(
  expr = {
    covariate <- "none"
    Arm <- "`R1-`"

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200804/12:57]# R2 {{{

em$R2 <-
      object = res_glm$R2$glm, specs = ~ EDSS + age + Time, at = at,
      type = "response"
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     drug %in% line

em$R2 <- within(
  expr = {
    covariate <- paste0("[EDSS=", EDSS, "] [Age=", age, "]")
    Arm <- "R2"

###}}} -- vim fold
#[FC/200804/12:57]# `R0+MRI0` {{{

em$`R0+MRI0` <-
      object = res_glm$`R0+MRI0`$glm, specs = ~ EDSS + age + Time, at = at,
      type = "response"

em$`R0+MRI0` <- within(
  expr = {
    covariate <- paste0("[EDSS=", EDSS, "] [Age=", age, "]")
    Arm <- "R0+MRI0"

###}}} -- vim fold

em <-
    em, function(x) {
          "Arm", "Time", "covariate", "prob",
          "SE", "asymp.LCL", "asymp.UCL", ".group"
rownames(em) <- NULL
em <- em[with(em, order(Arm, Time)),]

knitr::kable(em, caption = "Adjusted Means.")
Arm Time covariate prob SE asymp.LCL asymp.UCL .group
13 R1- 12 none 0.0520000 0.0140422 0.0304302 0.0874796 1
12 R1- 24 none 0.0250000 0.0174551 0.0062612 0.0944889 1
11 R1+ 12 [EDSS=2] [Sex=female] 0.2263954 0.0269793 0.1778916 0.2835626 1
9 R1+ 24 [EDSS=2] [Sex=female] 0.1649307 0.0430242 0.0967166 0.2670332 1
10 R1+ 36 [EDSS=2] [Sex=female] 0.1735597 0.0756538 0.0695020 0.3712522 1
1 R0 12 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0325722 0.0025535 0.0279224 0.0379660 1
2 R0 24 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0462442 0.0039531 0.0390854 0.0546398 2
3 R0 36 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0496898 0.0055526 0.0398696 0.0617734 2
4 R0 48 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0561919 0.0091343 0.0407490 0.0770173 2
5 R0 60 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0605208 0.0133160 0.0391147 0.0925138 12
19 R0+MRI0 12 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0301255 0.0028766 0.0249709 0.0363046 1
20 R0+MRI0 24 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0453218 0.0047886 0.0368092 0.0556892 2
22 R0+MRI0 36 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0528393 0.0071275 0.0404910 0.0686838 2
23 R0+MRI0 48 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0617580 0.0123912 0.0414903 0.0909864 2
21 R0+MRI0 60 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0522835 0.0160069 0.0284559 0.0941301 12
8 R1 12 [EDSS=2] [Sex=female] 0.1555930 0.0177865 0.1238217 0.1937142 1
7 R1 24 [EDSS=2] [Sex=female] 0.0968276 0.0238842 0.0590630 0.1547670 1
6 R1 36 [EDSS=2] [Sex=female] 0.0675213 0.0301552 0.0275421 0.1562108 1
14 R2 12 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.0318165 0.0027740 0.0268066 0.0377264 1
18 R2 24 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.2069369 0.0212869 0.1683015 0.2517566 2
15 R2 36 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.1085905 0.0268910 0.0660072 0.1735412 2
16 R2 48 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.1211789 0.0527918 0.0495990 0.2670357 2
17 R2 60 [EDSS=2] [Age=30] 0.1783812 0.0991107 0.0545388 0.4496842 2

Adjusted Means.


ARM ARMCD EDSS_start treatment_line prescription presc_months_cat EDSS_current dMRI_12m worse sex age AgeSympt Sympt2Presc
1 R0: no relapse R0 0.5 I INF 12 0.5 3 FALSE male 24 24 200
10 R0: no relapse R0 3.0 I INF 12 3.0 0 FALSE female 54 52 986
17 R0: no relapse R0 0.0 I GLA 12 0.0 0 FALSE female 25 24 543
22 R0: no relapse R0 1.0 I INF 12 1.0 1 FALSE male 25 23 919
24 R0: no relapse R0 2.0 I INF 12 1.5 0 FALSE male 37 33 1627
26 R0: no relapse R0 2.5 I INF 12 2.0 0 FALSE female 52 43 3124


Kapica-Topczewska, Katarzyna, François Collin, Joanna Tarasiuk, Agata Czarnowska, Monika Chorąży, Anna Mirończuk, Jan Kochanowicz, and Alina Kułakowska. 2021. “Assessment of Disability Progression Independent of Relapse and Brain Mri Activity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Poland.” Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (4).


Analysis as an R package: Analysis of real-world data to study the Progression Independent of Relapse Activity within a Polish population of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis subjects.






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