A pure perl6 implementation of the trie data structure.
use Trie;
my Trie $t .= new;
$t.insert: $_ for <ability able about above accept according account>;
$t.insert: "agent", {complex => "data"};
say $t.get-all: "ab"; # (ability able about above)
say $t.get-all: "abov"; # (above)
say $t.get-single: "abov"; # "above"
# $t.get-single: "ab"; # dies
say $t.get-single: "agent"; # {complex => "data"}
$t<all> = 1;
$t<allow> = 2;
say $t<all>; # (1 2)
say $t[0]; # ability
say $t[0 .. 3]; # (ability able about above)
say $t.find-substring: "cc"; # (accept according account)
say $t.find-fuzzy: "ao"; # set(2 about above according account)
Trie is a pure perl6 implementation of the trie data structure.
Fernando Correa de Oliveira fernandocorrea@gmail.com
Copyright 2018 Fernando Correa de Oliveira
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.