Code for implement of paper: FVEL: Interactive Formal Verification Environment with Large Language Models via Theorem Proving.
Here is the setup process for FVEL framework. (Tested on Ubuntu-20.04 and Debian.)
tar -xzvf Isabelle2022_linux.tar.gz
# It is recommended to write the following two lines to ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Isabelle2022/bin
export ISABELLE_HOME=$HOME/Isabelle
You can test the installation by typing:
which isabelle
and it's expected to output:
Tips: If your system supports graphics, you can type the following command to open the Isabelle JEditor:
NOTE: We do not recommend tracking the latest l4v repo due to some compatibility issues.
git clone
cd l4v-FVEL
ln -s $ISABELLE_HOME ./isabelle
Follow the guidance in to build dependency for l4v proof. The minimal dependency includes texlive
(to build document) and mlton-compiler.
Install the Python dependency:
pip install --user sel4-deps
Run the following commands:
# It is recommended to write the following line to ~/.bashrc
export L4V_ARCH=ARM # Choices: [ARM, X86, X64]
cd $PATH_TO_L4V/tools/c-parser
isabelle env make CParser
cd $PATH_TO_L4V/
./run_tests AutoCorres
It's expected to output:
3/3 tests succeeded.
All tests passed.
We maintain a l4v-compatible Portal-to-ISAbelle repo in PISA_FVEL. Run the following commands to install PISA_FVEL:
git clone
# install sdkman
curl -s "" | bash
source ~/.bashrc
# to make sure sdk is properly installed:
sdk help
# install java and sbt
sdk install java 11.0.11-open
sdk install sbt
sbt compile
When the installation is complete, run the server at PISA root path to prove in one pass:
sbt "runMain pisa.server.PisaOneStageServer8000" # 8000 is the port exposed to the client