Social Network user-centered, mobile-first, to share cooking recipes.
- Balsamiq Mockup based on project specifications;
- System implementation;
- Focus group with other students;
- Suggested changes.
Visit the social at: .
With Ratatweet you can create your own profile, create new posts, comment and review other users' posts. Moreover, you will receive notifications that you can see from the suitable page.
- Search: search of a particular post;
- Home: followed users' posts (if logged in) or casual posts from all the users of the social;
- Notifications: visualization of the notifications page;
- Recipes: page for the visualization of your own recipes or other users' saved recipes;
- Profile: page for the visualization of your own user profile, that you can modify using the button "Modify";
- Create post: form for the creation of a new post. When you create a new post you can choose between: 1.using one of your own saved recipes or 2. creating a new one, defining its ingredients.