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An unofficial C# Wrapper for the Artilities REST API

What can this Wrapper do?

This wrapper currently supports getting an Idea, Getting a challenge Idea, Looking up artist slang, getting Atilities Banners, getting a users saved Ideas, Challenges and Colors. The other API functions like getting patreons will hopefully follow soon.

Where can I get the package?

You can download the package on NuGet or soon here on GitHub You can also:

  • Type Install-Package Artilities.NET -Version 1.2.1 into the Package Manager
  • Type dotnet add package Artilities.NET --version 1.2.1 into the command prompt, note that you need to have dotnet installed
  • Reference the Dependency using <PackageReference Include="Artilities.NET" Version="1.2.1" />
  • Install the package in your Editors NuGet Package Manager


Artilities 1.2.0 has added a V2 wrapper

If you want to use Artilities.NET v2, consider reading the v2 docs right HERE

Getting an Idea

You can get a random Idea from the Artilities Database using the getIdea() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: english, russian, delayTime, statusCode, raw.

  • english returns the result Idea in English
  • russian returns the result Idea in Russian (You might need to change the text output to UTF-16 to be able to see it)
  • delayTime returns the time it took for the server to respond in MS
  • statusCode returns the Web Response (in best case its 200)
  • raw returns the raw response JSON


  • If there was an error during the request, the Dictionary will return null

Example Usage

            Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //This line is to make the console display the russian language
            Dictionary<string, string> IdeaDict = Artilities.main.GetIdea();
            if (IdeaDict != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Your Idea: " + IdeaDict["english"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Russian: " + IdeaDict["russian"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server Response: " + IdeaDict["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server Response Time: " + IdeaDict["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Raw output: " + IdeaDict["raw"]);
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error in the request.");


Your Idea: Secretary Cat
Russian: Котик-секретарь
Server Response: 200
Server Response Time: 149ms
Raw output: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "generated_idea": {
    "ru": "Котик-секретарь",
    "eng": "Secretary Cat"
  "execution_time": 149

Getting a challenge

You can get a random Challenge from Artilities using the getChallenge() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: english, russian, delayTime, statusCode, raw.

  • english returns the result challenge in English
  • russian returns the result challenge in Russian (You might need to change the text output to UTF-16 to be able to see it)
  • delayTime returns the time it took for the server to respond in MS
  • statusCode returns the Web Response (in best case its 200)
  • raw returns the raw response JSON


  • If there was an error during the request, the Dictionary will return null

Example Usage

            Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //This line is to make the console display the russian language
            Dictionary<string, string> challengeDict = Artilities.main.GetChallenge();
            if (challengeDict != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Your challenge: " + challengeDict["english"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Russian: " + challengeDict["russian"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server Response: " + challengeDict["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server Response Time: " + challengeDict["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Raw output: " + challengeDict["raw"]);
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error in the request.");


Your challenge: draw something using only two colors
Russian: нарисуй что-нибудь, используя только два цвета
Server Response: 200
Server Response Time: 30ms
Raw output: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "generated_challenge": {
    "ru": "нарисуй что-нибудь, используя только два цвета",
    "eng": "draw something using only two colors"
  "execution_time": 30

Looking up artist slang in the Artilities Database

You can look up artist slang from the artilities database using the GetDictionaryEntry() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: word, description, delayTime, statusCode, raw.

  • word returns the first best word result from the database
  • description returns the description / meaning of the returned word
  • delayTime returns the time it took for the server to respond in MS
  • statusCode returns the Web Response (in best case its 200)
  • raw returns the raw response JSON


  • If there was an error during the request, the Dictionary will return null
  • In case the database has found no words to return, word and description will return null
  • The function GetDictionaryEntry() requires a string as search query input

Example Usage

            Dictionary<string, string> DictLookup = Artilities.main.GetDictionaryEntry("UFO"); //In this case I'm looking up the term "UFO", which means "up for offer"
            if (DictLookup != null && DictLookup["word"] != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Word: " + DictLookup["word"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Description: " + DictLookup["description"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server response Time: " + DictLookup["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Server response Code: " + DictLookup["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Raw response: " + DictLookup["raw"]);
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error in the request.");


Word: UFO
Description: Short for Up For Offers.
Server response Time: 58ms
Server response Code: 200
Raw response: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "query_results": [
      "Short for Up For Offers."
  "execution_time": 58

Get Artilities Banners (Contributed by Slimakoi)

You can get Artilities Banners and their properties using the getBanners() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: bannerUrl, bannerImage, delayTime, statusCode, raw, language.

  • bannerUrl returns the URL the banner is linked to
  • bannerImage returns the source URL of the banner
  • language returns the banners language (usually null)
  • delayTime returns the time it took for the server to respond in MS
  • statusCode returns the Web Response (in best case its 200)
  • raw returns the raw response JSON


  • If there was an error during the request, the Dictionary will return null
  • The function getBanners() does not share the class main like the other functions, instead it uses the class other, as it is part of other features of the Artilities API

Example Usage

            Dictionary<string, string> bannerDict = Artilities.other.GetBanners();
            if (bannerDict != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Banner Image: " + bannerDict["bannerImage"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Banner Link: " + bannerDict["bannerUrl"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + bannerDict["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Response Time: " + bannerDict["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Language: " + bannerDict["language"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Raw Json: " + bannerDict["raw"]);
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error in the request");


Banner Image:
Banner Link:
Response Code: 200
Response Time: 57ms
Raw Json: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "details": {
    "banner_url": "",
    "banner_image": "",
    "language": ""
  "execution_time": 57

Get Artilities User Information (v1.1.6 and above)

Since Artilities 1.1.6 you can get someones saved favorite ideas, challenges and colors


  • Artilities.NET 1.1.6 adds the ability to look up a users saved stuff, tho this requires a devKey!
  • To get a devKey you must apply for it on the Artilities Discord, which can be found on the Website
  • If a user has been found the statusCode key, will return 200
  • If a user has been found but have their profile on private, the statusCode key will return 403
  • If a user doesn't exist as an Artilities Account, the statusCode key will return 404

Using the devKey

            Artilities.users.devkey = "yourKey"; //Input your devKey here!
            Artilities.users.userID = "yourID"; //If you registered for a devKey, your Discord ID will be registered to this key, so make sure to input your discord ID here

Get a users saved Ideas

You can get someones saved ideas using the getIdeas() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: delayTime, statusCode, ideas, raw

  • delayTime will return the time it took for the server to respond (in ms)
  • statusCode will return the HTTP response code (in best case 200 (note that this can return 403))
  • ideas will return the list of saved ideas (it will return a string not an array!)
  • raw will return the raw JSON output of the request


  • The function getIdeas() belongs to the users class, so make sure you call it using Artilities.users.getIdeas().
  • getIdeas() accepts 1 string argument, this being the userID you want to look up, leaving this field empty, will make the program use the devKeys userID
  • Profiles can be set to private, if this is the case you can't access the users saved data, and statusCode will return 403, so make sure you check for that!
  • If you lookup your own userID, there will be a private key in the JSON response, which is NOT included in Artilities.NET 1.1.6. If you want the private key to be usable, consider using Artilities.NET V2

Example Usage

            Artilities.users.devkey = "devKey";
            Artilities.users.userID = "userID";
            Dictionary<string, string> ideaDictionary = Artilities.users.getIdeas(); // In this case I don't input any user, which will make Artilities.NET use Artilities.user.userID as lookup query!
            if(ideaDictionary["statusCode"] != "200")
                if(ideaDictionary["statusCode"] == "403")
                    Console.WriteLine("This profile is Private.");
                } else
                    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong!");
            } else
                Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + ideaDictionary["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server response Time: " + ideaDictionary["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Saved Ideas:");
                string[] ideas = ideaDictionary["ideas"].Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // This is how to split the output string into an array!
                foreach(string idea in ideas)
                Console.WriteLine("Raw JSON: " + ideaDictionary["raw"]);


Server response: 200
Server response Time: 58ms
Saved Ideas:
Pinocchio lost his nose
Raw JSON: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "data": {
    "ideas": [
      "Pinocchio lost his nose"
    "challenges": [
      "draw using anything but your hands",
      "draw with two hands at once"
    "colors": [
    "settings": {
      "private": false
  "execution_time": 58

Get a users saved challenges

You can get someones saved challenges using the getChallenges() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: delayTime, statusCode, challenges, raw

  • delayTime will return the time it took for the server to respond (in ms)
  • statusCode will return the HTTP response code (in best case 200 (note that this can return 403))
  • challenges will return the list of saved challenges (it will return a string not an array!)
  • raw will return the raw JSON output of the request


  • The function getChallenges() belongs to the users class, so make sure you call it using Artilities.users.getChallenges().
  • getChallenges() accepts 1 string argument, this being the userID you want to look up, leaving this field empty, will make the program use the devKeys userID
  • Profiles can be set to private, if this is the case you can't access the users saved data, and statusCode will return 403, so make sure you check for that!
  • If you lookup your own userID, there will be a private key in the JSON response, which is NOT included in Artilities.NET 1.1.6. If you want the private key to be usable, consider using Artilities.NET V2

Example Usage

            Artilities.users.devkey = "devKey";
            Artilities.users.userID = "userID";
            Dictionary<string, string> challengeDictionary = Artilities.users.getChallenges(); // In this case I don't input any user, which will make Artilities.NET use Artilities.user.userID as lookup query!
            if(challengeDictionary["statusCode"] != "200")
                if(challengeDictionary["statusCode"] == "403")
                    Console.WriteLine("This profile is Private.");
                } else
                    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong!");
            } else
                Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + challengeDictionary["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server response Time: " + challengeDictionary["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Saved challenges:");
                string[] ideas = challengeDictionary["challenges"].Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // This is how to split the output string into an array!
                foreach(string idea in ideas)
                Console.WriteLine("Raw JSON: " + challengeDictionary["raw"]);


Server response: 200
Server response Time: 57ms
Saved challenges:
draw using anything but your hands
draw with two hands at once
Raw JSON: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "data": {
    "ideas": [
      "Pinocchio lost his nose"
    "challenges": [
      "draw using anything but your hands",
      "draw with two hands at once"
    "colors": [
    "settings": {
      "private": false
  "execution_time": 57

Get a users saved colors

You can get someones saved challenges using the getColors() function, this function will return a Dictionary with the following keys: delayTime, statusCode, colors, raw

  • delayTime will return the time it took for the server to respond (in ms)
  • statusCode will return the HTTP response code (in best case 200 (note that this can return 403))
  • colors will return the list of saved challenges (it will return a string not an array!)
  • raw will return the raw JSON output of the request


  • The function getColors() belongs to the users class, so make sure you call it using Artilities.users.getColors().
  • getColors() accepts 1 string argument, this being the userID you want to look up, leaving this field empty, will make the program use the devKeys userID
  • Profiles can be set to private, if this is the case you can't access the users saved data, and statusCode will return 403, so make sure you check for that!
  • If you lookup your own userID, there will be a private key in the JSON response, which is NOT included in Artilities.NET 1.1.6. If you want the private key to be usable, consider using Artilities.NET V2

Example Usage

            Artilities.users.devkey = "devKey";
            Artilities.users.userID = "userID";
            Dictionary<string, string> colorDictionary = Artilities.users.getColors(); // In this case I don't input any user, which will make Artilities.NET use Artilities.user.userID as lookup query!
            if(colorDictionary["statusCode"] != "200")
                if(colorDictionary["statusCode"] == "403")
                    Console.WriteLine("This profile is Private.");
                } else
                    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong!");
            } else
                Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + colorDictionary["statusCode"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Server response Time: " + colorDictionary["delayTime"] + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine("Saved colors:");
                string[] ideas = colorDictionary["colors"].Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // This is how to split the output string into an array!
                foreach(string idea in ideas)
                Console.WriteLine("Raw JSON: " + colorDictionary["raw"]);


Server response: 200
Server response Time: 53ms
Saved Colors:
Raw JSON: {
  "status_code": 200,
  "data": {
    "ideas": [
      "Pinocchio lost his nose"
    "challenges": [
      "draw using anything but your hands",
      "draw with two hands at once"
    "colors": [
    "settings": {
      "private": false
  "execution_time": 53

Versions etc
