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Mk-forum (Mathematika sy Kajy Forum)

Mk-forum is a web forum project created to gain hands-on experience in web development, specifically back-end development using Python/Django and related technologies. It is an improved version of the original Kajy web forum.

The aim of this project is to create a simple forum dedicated to mathematics and related topics.

Technologies Used

  • Python 3
  • Django 4
  • MySQL/Sqlite3
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Mathjax to render mathematical text.


Mk-forum includes the following features:

  • User: Auth system, as the user can manage their account: create, update profile information, change profile picture.
  • Posts: Create, Read, Update (modify), and Delete
  • Comments: Users can create, update and delete a comment on post
  • Reactions: Users can react to posts or a comment (Up or down)

Next task: permit to the user to delete their profile picture, notification on comment or on react on Post/Comment

Getting Started

To get started with Mk-forum, you will need Python 3 installed on your machine. You also need to install the required packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt in your command line interface. Next, create an .env file following the .env_template. Once you have these prerequisites, you can clone the repository and run the server using the following command: python runserver.

This will start the server at http://localhost:8000/. You can then navigate to this URL in your web browser to access the forum.


Contributions to this project are welcome and encouraged. If you notice any issues or have any suggestions for improvement, please create a pull request or submit an issue.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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