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Tired of copy-pasting your example configurations or bumping hardcoded versions in your README?

mdtmpl is a dead-simple little Go CLI tool that runs instructions defined in Markdown comments (e.g: <!--- {{ my markdown comment }} --->).

mdtmpl ships with the default Go-Template functions,sprig and some useful functions for building README files such as:

  • {{ code "<highlighting>" "<content>" }}: which will wrap the given content in a code block using the specified syntax highlighting
  • {{ exec "<command>" }}: executes the given command and returns its output
  • {{ tmpl "<template-file>" }}: to include and render another template file
  • {{ tmplWithVars "<template-file>" "<key>=<value>" "<key>=<value>"}}: to include and render another template file with additional vars in the form of <key>=<value>
  • {{ conventionalCommitBump }}: will result to the next semantic version according to the latest git commit message.

You can also pipe the output of one instruction to the next one as its last parameter:

<!--- {{ "hello!" | upper | repeat 5 }} ---> translates to HELLO!HELLO!HELLO!HELLO!HELLO!

You can find a comprehensive example here and its

Even this is generated using mdtmpl!


Imagine the following that contains a Markdown comment {{ file "config.yml" | code "yml" }}, telling mdtmpl to include the content of config.yml and wrap it in a code block (```) using YAML syntax highlighting:

### Example Configuration
Here are all available configuration options:
<!--- {{ file "config.yml" | code "yml" }} --->

### Start
You can start the installation by running `make start`
<!--- {{ exec "make start" | code "bash" }} --->

when running mdtmpl -t it will write the following output to the

Example Configuration

Here are all available configuration options:

    setting: true
    install: false


You can start the installation by running make start



Find all releases here or simply download the latest by running:

## curl
version=$(curl -s | jq .name -r)
curl -OL "${version}/mdtmpl_$(uname)_$(uname -m).tar.gz"
tar xzf mdtmpl_$(uname)_$(uname -m).tar.gz
chmod u+x mdtmpl
./mdtmpl version

## brew
brew install falcosuessgott/tap/mdtmpl


$> mdtmpl -h
template  Markdown files using Go templates and Markdown comments

  mdtmpl [flags]

  -d, --dry-run           dry run, print output to stdout (env: MDTMPL_DRY_RUN)
  -f, --force             overwrite output file (env: MDTMPL_FORCE)
  -h, --help              help for mdtmpl
  -o, --output string     path to the output file (env: MDTMPL_OUTPUT_FILE) (default "")
  -t, --template string   path to a mdtmpl template file (env: MDTMPL_TEMPLATE_FILE) (default "")
      --version           print version (env: MDTMPL_VERSION)

pre-commit hook

Add the following config to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file and adjust the args to your needs. Mae sure to run pre-commit install and pre-commit autoupdate to stay on the last version:

  - repo:
    rev: v0.1.0
      - id: mdtmpl
        args: [, -f,]