Application performing a LiveReload with tiny-lr once the development server is ready.
I recently started using Gulp and LiveReload to automatize some tasks. Everytime an HTML, CSS or JS file changes, a livereload is performed in the browser to reflect those changes, and I was pretty happy with that.
But I found one limitation, I cannot perform a livereload of the current page when editing Python files because the development server provided by Django is not necessary ready as soon as the livereload request is emitted.
That's why I created this application.
First install the package on your system:
$ pip install django-livereload
Then register the
application in yourINSTALLED_APPS
setting, before the'django.contrib.staticfiles'
application if used.
If the livereload server provided by tiny-lr is launched (via Gulp,
Grunt or whatever), the runserver
command will do a livereload on
your browser whenever the Django development server is ready.
If you want to livereload-js script injected into your pages because you
don't want to deal with a plug-in, simply register this middleware in your
project: 'livereload.middleware.LiveReloadScript'