kpages is mini helper for tornado,Contains the address routing management,tornado and app config management, mongodb, redis connection management and other functions; these supports can help you quickly build a web application.
1. input command: kpages_init.py projectname # projectname: you project name, default is kpages_project
2. set you RequestHandler action dir
python apprun.py or ./apprun.py
config=CONFIG set config for server
port=PORT set http port for server
debug Debug mode.
ndebug No Debug mode.
you can run script kpages_web.py in you app root dir (version >= 0.8.0.dev)
python service.py 或 ./service.py
config=CONFIG set config for server
port=PORT set http port for server
debug Debug mode.
ndebug No Debug mode.
channel set channel for redis mq
you can run script kpages_service.py in you app root dir (version >= 0.8.0.dev)
##How to router
restful/index.py(add @url to class , kpages will route url to this handler)
from kpages import url
class HomeHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write('hello word')
#config for tornado and you app, use __conf__.xxxx to get you config value
ACTION_DIR = 'restful'
DEBUG = True
PORT= 8989
from kpages import run
def callback(app):
if __name__ == '__main__':
from kpages import get_context, LogicContext,mongo_conv
with LogicContext():
db = get_context().get_mongo()
cache = get_context().get_redis()
lst = list(db['table'].find().limit(10))
lst = mongo_conv(lst)
from kpages import ContextHandler
class DemoHandler(ContextHandler,tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
db = get_context().get_mongo('dbname')
val = self.session(key)
class Demo(Model):
_name = 'collection_name'
_fields = dict(
name = CharField(required=True),
sex = IntField(label='sex',initial=1,required=True),
pwd = CharField(label='password')
m = Demo()
m = Demo(dbname)
master = ModelMaster()
# set dbname for Master's model
master = ModelMaster(dbname)
# get attr, this method can auto create temp model; set collection name as modelname_model
m = master.modelname
# call get attr
m = master(modelname)
# call get attr and temp dbname
m = master(modelname,dbname)
_id = m.insert(data)
m.update(_id, c = 'acd')
obj = m.info(_id)
cursor = m.page(page=1,size=10,**condition)
#parse requesthandler arguments to model
data = m.fetch_data(requesthandler)
data is like {'name':'youname','sex':1,'pwd':'xdssss'}
run_test(test_city.DemoCase.testprint) :test testprint method
run_test(test_city.DemoCase) :test methods in DemoCase class
run_test(test_city) :test methods in test_city.py
run_test(all ) :test methods in app's __conf__.UTEST_DIR
pro_test(test_city.DemoCase.testprint) :profile testprint method
pro_test(test_city.DemoCase) :profile methods in DemoCase class
pro_test(test_city) :profile methods in test_city.py
pro_test(all) :profile methods in app's __conf__.UTEST_DIR
1. kpages can auto find Ui_Module's subclass in ACTION_DIR
2. you can use {% module dir_modulename_classname() %} to call Ui Module
Demo Code
Class Demo(tornado.web.UIModule):
def render(self,name):
return self.render('<h1>Hello world:{0}</h1>'.format(name))
Template code
{% module Demo('kpages') %}
3. @reg_ui_method in ACTION_DIR's files, to apply Ui methods
Demo code
@reg_ui_method(name='testmethod',intro='demo for ui method')
def add(self,a,b):
return a+b
Template code
{{ add(3,4) }}