A social networking website for developers. Made with <3
- Front-end:
- Javascript (mostly ecma6)
- React.js (hooks)
- APIs:
- Web Storage API
- Additional Libraries:
- Concurrently (runs client and server concurrently and looks for changes)
- Nodemon (runs server and looks for changes)
- bcryptjs (to encrypt password)
- config (for global variables)
- express (web framwork)
- express-validator (middleware validators for req and res)
- jsonwebtoken (for JWT implementation)
- mongoose (modeling for Node.js)
- request (used for api request from the backend)
- axios (an HTTP client)
- moment (to formate date)
- node-sass (run sass in the front-end)
- uuid (generate random ids)
- redux (state management)
- react-router-dom (routing/ SPAs)
- redux-thunk (middleware)
- react-transition-group (transiton between components)
- gravatar (for avatars)
Exciting features ;): This application has custom routed 404 page, protected routes(using JWT) and components transitions (using React Transition Group).