Due: 2016.6.5 Start early! This lab is not easy!
In this lab, you need to implement a reliable data transmission protocol like TCP. This lab will emulate a high latency and high packet loss rate network environment, and your goal is to maximise the transfer speed under the network.
In short, the data is transferred with the following steps:
A program tries to open a TCP connection to
, and sends HTTP GET request -
Your program Alice listened on
, accepted the connection, then send data to172.19.0.1
. It's the IP address of a created TUN device tunA -
The transfer program (provided by this lab) transfers your packet to tunB, and the destination IP is change to
Your program Bob listened on
, get the request from Alice, then proxy the TCP connection to127.0.0.1:8000
There is a HTTP server (or whatever) accepts connection at
, replies to the HTTP request.
Then, Bob should deliver the data from
on tunB. The transfer program transforms the packet, from
. Alice will get the packet on tunA, then she need to write data back to the origin TCP connection.
You need to implement the Alice and Bob. They should be the same program launched with different arguments:
./lab1 --alice
./lab1 --bob
TUN and TAP are virtual network kernel devices. It's a network interface emulated by software. The program could read and write packets on the interface.
In this lab, the transfer program will create two virtual interface tunA and tunB:
tunA: self ip
, peer ip
tunB: self ip
, peer ip
To explain how the transfer program works, you can try to ping
$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.603 ms
If you do a tcpdump on tunA, you'll get
$ sudo tcpdump -i tunA -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on tun8, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 262144 bytes
22:35:38.209997 IP > ICMP echo request, id 47671, seq 0, length 64
22:35:38.210310 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 47671, seq 0, length 64
And on tunB:
$ sudo tcpdump -i tun9 -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on tun9, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 262144 bytes
22:35:38.210106 IP > ICMP echo request, id 47671, seq 0, length 64
22:35:38.210183 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 47671, seq 0, length 64
You can sort up the four packets by their send time: >, ICMP request on tunA
< transfer from tunA to tunB > >, ICMP request on tunB
< system replies to ICMP ping > >, ICMP reply on tunB
< transfer from tunB to tunA > >, ICMP reply on tunB
In this lab, Alice should communicate with tunA only, and Bob should communicate with tunB only. They are not allowed to communicate directly. Direct connection will be restricted on testing by TA. They can use any transfer layer protocol on tunA and tunB such as TCP, UDP, ICMP. The transfer program will emulate latency and packet loss on tunA and tunB.
You can finish this lab on Linux, or OSX, or Windows. Just choose the platform you want.
First, fetch the material from:
Or you can
git clone https://git.oschina.net/nullmdr/network-pj1.git
This lab provides the transfer program with a CMakeFiles. It's a cross platform build script. I've built the binary for you in Release
Folder. However some extra steps are needed for some platforms.
Launch the binary with sudo
$ sudo ./Release/transfer-linux -h
You need to install tuntaposx from:
Then, launch the binary with sudo
$ sudo ./Release/transfer-osx -t 10
If you have issue about root permission, see:
You need to install tap-windows. In tap-win64
folder, run addtap.bat
. Then, go to Control Pannel - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings
, rename the names of the two added TAP-win32 adapter: rename #2 to tunA, rename the other to tunB.
Then, launch the admin shell via Release/windows-run.bat
. Launch transfer in the admin shell:
> transfer -l 100
The tap-windows is a component of OPENVPN. You can download it (not required for this lab) on
tap-windows install binary is at the bottom of the page. Notice: This lab requires two tun devices, so you need to manually install one in addiction after the installation if you want to install it from the OPENVPN website.
First, you need a HTTP server for speed test. You can use nginx. In fact you can use any http server you like. I suggest nginx with the following configuration
worker_processes 4;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
server {
# Change it to after finishing this lab
listen 8000;
location / {
# Change it to your test dir
root html;
Then, in the test dir, generate a 100M test file (Windows user can use Cygwin or MinGW)
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=100M bs=1M count=100
For Mac OSX, you need to change bs=1M
to bs=1m
After nginx and transfer running up, you can test the transfer bridge
$ wget -O 100M.test
$ diff 100M 100M.test
After you finishing up this lab, you can test it in several ways
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=1G bs=1M count=1024
$ wget -O 1G.test
$ diff 1G 1G.test
Test for multi thread downloading
$ axel -n 64 -O 1G.test
$ mwget -n=128 -O 1G.test
This lab requires you to implement a TCP connection proxy in this lab. Alice should listen on, and Bob should proxy all the connection to They communicate via tunA and tunB, or, Alice should only listen on and send packet to, while Bob should only listen on and send packet to The address in the packet will be translated by transfer. Afterward transfer will send the transformed packet to the other tun interface. You can assume that for Alice, Bob is on; for Bob, Alice is on
They should work correctly under multithread downloading. Use diff to check the correctness of data transfer.
transfer can emulate a high latency, high packet loss rate network. As you can see, the system's default congestion control algorithm doesn't work well in this situation. You need to implement a congestion control algorithm in this lab. Maybe you can start up here:
You can try different algorithms, benchmark them, choose the best one, or implement one yourself.
This lab doesn't limit the platform or programming language you use. Please write down how to build your program in README. Add your test platform, compiler version and computer configuration to README, too. Describe how do you implement this lab (e.g. which algorithm to use, why) in README.
MarkDown or PDF format is preferred for README. Please submit all of your source code and your README doc to ftp before due. Make a tarball or zip file like 13302010023_何天成.tar.gz
before submission.
Sanity test. Your code should work correctly for single-thread and multi-thread downloading. Download speed should reach and keep at least 75% of the limit speed (option -l
) with no delay and packet loss.
Performance test. Your code will be tested under vary of configurations. Limit: delay will not exceed 300ms (rtt ~600ms), speed limit will not exceed 100Mbps, delay thrashing will not exceed 50%, packet loss rate: ???SECRET The one wins the best performance will get full score in this part. The others' scores are based on their code's performance and the best performance of all.
If you have trouble running the binary, or maybe you are interested in how to build the binary, here is the instruction:
Install cmake. If you are using Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install cmake
Then, you can build the program
$ cmake .
$ make
Install build toolchain:
$ xcode-select --install
Install cmake via homebrew:
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
$ brew install cmake
Then, build:
$ cmake .
$ make
Install cmake
Install Visual Studio 2015
Build in VS2015 MSBuild Command-line
> cmake .
> msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release