Design and creation of a responsive website for buying and selling programming courses, developed with React Vite, NestJS + Vitest.
The platform has a Home page where the courses are filtered by category, popularity and topic. There is also a list of all the courses ordered by ranking, with a search bar in real time.
In the New course section, the user can create their own course by filling in the fields provided. The courses have an initial price of 100 knowlitos. Once created, they will automatically appear in the My courses section, divided between Created courses and Bought courses. By signing up, the user automatically gets 1000 Knowlitos, with which they can start buying and consuming courses. The user's wallet is automatically updated with each of these interactions.
Each course has its individual page with its information. If the user has purchased or created the course, they can view the full content and click the links. If not, the content is protected and the user is prompted to purchase the course.
Finally, there is a Profile section in which you can modify the profile data, log out, check the wallet data, and other functionalities.
The website has a responsive navigation bar, and a dropdown menu in the Profile item that detects whether the user is connected or not.
For the front-end part, we have used React, Vitest and TypeScript. For the CSS, we have used BootStrap. For the back-end part, we have worked with NodeJS, NestJS and Axios. The tests have been done with Vitest. The deploy has been done with Vercel and Railway.