In this project, you will build an application named Private Events that behaves similar to Eventbrite. The main goal is to put the main concepts of Associations in Rails into practice.
Full task description: Odin Project.
This is the link to the live preview in Heroku - Private Events
Login in with the following created users usernames.
- johndoe
- janebarker
Feel free to test or just play around with the app features.
Below is the Event Page Screenshot
- Git
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
If you want a copy of this project running on your machine you have to install:
- Ruby 2.6.4
- Gem 3.0.3
- Rails 6.0.2
- Bundler 2.0.2
Once you have installed the required packages shown on the Required Installations, proceed with the following steps
Clone the Repository,
your@pc:~$ git clone
Move to the downloaded folder
your@pc:~$ cd Private_Events
install gems
your@pc:~$ bundle install --without production
migrate the database
your@pc:~$ rails db:migrate
Run the app in a local server:
your@pc:~$ rails server
Then, go to http://localhost:3000
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- Felipe Enne - | GitHub | LinkedIn | Portfolio
- MaryAnn Chukwuka - | GitHub
- Microverse and Odin Project .