I'm Felix, 21 from Austria 🇦🇹 and I build things and communities at 42 Vienna as Pedagogy Co-Lead
I love complex systems which brought me to create:
- ⚙️ a kernel in rust
- 🦀 a rust bootcamp
- ⌨️ a custom keyboard with custom layout
🎛 minimal .bashrc so that I can copy it when i need it:
// .bashrc from FelixBrgm
export PS1="\W> "
alias ll="ls -la"
# To kill a process that uses a port
kill $(lsof -ti tcp:$1);
- ⚡ Favorite bit of code:
// It's a super short version to get a line from a fd per function call in C.
char *get_next_line(int fd)
char *s = malloc(10000), *c = s;
while (read(fd, c, 1) > 0 && *c++ != '\n');
return c > s ? (*c = '\0', s) : (free(s), NULL);