to address these challenges
TL;DR (too long; didn't read) 用法:类似于“简言之”,用作总结部分的标题
Cake is balabalabalabalalabalballabalbalab labbalabalabalabalalabalballabalbalablab balabalabalabalalabalballabalbalabla bbalabalabalabalalabalballabalbalabl abbalabalabalabalalabalballabalbalablab.......
Cake is a baked, yummy sweet.
In light of the aforementioned challenges
the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角
Our contributions is two-fold.
as diverse as
Kernel functions can be defined over objects as diverse as graphs, sets, string and text documents.
virtues and drawbacks
Every methods has its own virtues and drawbacks.
amount to 相当于
In fact, your ambiguous words amount to a refusal.
in what follows 在下文中
In what follows, K will denote a field of either real or complex number.