Find that here, and thank them because they did a lot more research than I did:
Want to talk to ELIZA and not compile your own code? Do that here:
Want to run that webapp? Find that here:
Built-ins are the only thing you need. Tested on python 3.7.
- The structures within organize the rules that ELIZA uses to generate responses.
- RuleBase:
- Script: Structure used to store the rules and memories used to generate responses.
- RuleKeyword: A structure used to store a keyword rule.
- RuleMemory: A structure used to store prepared context based responses for use in the future.
- Transform: A component of decomposition and reassembly.
- Tracer: An abstract class used to build a history of movements through ELIZA's logic.
- PreTracer: A tracer that specifies tracing before processing.
- NullTracer: A tracer that indicates no tracing is done.
- StringTracer: A tracer that tracks standard eliza response logic.
- The structures within organize the rules that ELIZA uses to generate responses.
- The classes within are designed to interpret a script comprised of the structures in,
- from a plain text file. A tokenizer is used to identify symbols and segment text within the input stream.
- Token: The tokenizer builds a list of these from a script.
- Tokenizer: The tokenizer class, makes tokens.
- StringIOWithPeek: As the name suggests, and we didn't necessarily need, this StringIO extension has peek().
- ElizaScriptReader: Main script reader class.
- Methods relating to the filtering of input outside of the original accepted character set, and hashing functions used to determine 'randomness' in eliza's responses.
- The main eliza class. Eliza takes a processed script, and generates responses based on the rules stored in it.
- Various string processing utilities that ELIZA needs to generate it's responses.
- TestInList
- TestToInt
- TestMadMatch
- TestScriptReader
- TestReassable
- TestHashFunc
- TestBCDFilter
- TestEliza
- The type definititions and constants used with ELIZA
- TagMap
- RuleMap
- The type definititions and constants used with ELIZA
+ []( - The original doctor script.
- []( - For testing purposes.
- []( - Comment stripped original script for testing purposes.