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Part Seats Function

Ferdinand Calo edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 8 revisions
# Function Overview
Name: Seats Function
Function: adds seats to the vehicle
From FVTM: yes

The Seats Function allows you to add "seats" into a Vehicle.
Seats are entities spawned along the Vehicle Entity which allow
a player to sit in the vehicle, or eventually another Entity.

Attributes can be linked to be accessible to specific seats.

Example config (taken from FVP):

    "__comment": "Part JSON file.",
    "Function": {
    	"id": "fvtm:seats",
    		{ "x": 2, "y": -1, "z": -10, "name": "driver", "driver": true },
    		{ "x": 2, "y": -1, "z": 10, "name": "pass_front" },
    		{ "x": -16, "y": -1, "z": -10, "name": "pass_rear_left" },
    		{ "x": -16, "y": -1, "z": 10, "name": "pass_rear_right" }

Here an overview of the available fields:

  • id - the id of the function, it is fvtm:seats
  • seats - this is an JSON array with the seats listed (each a JSON object)
    • x - x coordinate of the seat
    • y - y coordinate of the seat
    • z - z coordinate of the seat
    • driver - (boolean) optional, set to true if the passenger has to be regarded as driver/pilot
    • name - the unique name for this seat, Attributes may be linked that way to it
    • min_yaw - optional, min passenger rotation yaw
    • max_yaw - optional, max passenger rotation yaw
    • min_pitch - optional, min passenger view rotation pitch
    • max_pitch - optional, max passenger view rotation pitch
    • sitting - (boolean) optional, if the passenger should be displayed
      as "sitting" or "standing" on this seat, false by default
    • rot_point - optional, id of the SwivelPoint to assign this seat to, default:vehicle
    • no_first_person - optional, disable "first person view" while in a vehicle
    • no_third_person - optional, disable "third person view" while in a vehicle
    • relative - optional, if this seat should offset it's position along the part's
      installed position (e.g. on vehicles with varying chassis composition)
    • filter - optional, json array, list of ALLOWED entities to be passengers of this seat
      when missing it accepts any entity, except if the seat is driver, then only players;
      there are currently also 3 groups as shortcuts: "players", "animals", "hostile";
      use a ! before the group or entity name to DISALLOW it from this seat;
      example: "filter": ["players", "animals", "minecraft:spider", "!minecraft:pig"]
      this example will allow into the seat players, animals, spiders (mob) - and disallow pigs
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