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Setting Up

Ferdinand Calo edited this page Aug 5, 2019 · 3 revisions

To start out, get the FVTM-PDK (link here), either download it (see image) or setup an own GitHub repository based on it, if you're more common with the Git/Hub system.

The "PDK" is a Pack Development Kit, it consists of a Forge MDK partially preconfigured and setup to download FVTM and FCL as dependencies automatically. It also contains an example MAIN addonpack class and some other essential example files.

Once you downloaded the PDK, do like you would with an Forge MDK.

  • Unpack the zip (or clone the repository if you made one).
  • open a terminal/command promt in the project folder (the unpacked zip/repo)
    • on windows rightclick inside the new folder holding shift and select Open command promt here or Open Powershell window here (win10)
    • on linux open a terminal there
    • for other OS check the Forge instructions!
  • run the gradle commands
    • usually it is gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
    • on windows powershell add .\ before the command
    • append eclipse to the command when using eclipse IDE
    • for other IDE check the Forge instructions!
  • wait till the process finishes, it should at end say BUILD SUCCESSFUL
  • it's ready, now you can import it into your IDE, if you're using one.
    • when using Eclipse - import it as GRADLE project!

Now you can check out the other Guides!

But first make sure to fill out the fields... Setting Up - Step 2