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Part Tire Function

Ferdinand Calo edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 4 revisions
# Function Overview
Name: Tire Function
Function: marks the part as a tire
From FVTM: yes

The TireFunction defines a Part as TIRE.
If using the BasicSystem for vehicles, every wheel slot needs a not just
a part with a wheel function, but also a part with the tire function.
Note that a part can have both tire and wheel function at once,
so old wheel parts can be converted easily!
The actual size and other values of the tire you have to setup
in the Part - Tire Installation Handler!

Example config:

    "__comment": "Part JSON file.",
    "Function": "fvtm:tire"

Here an overview of the available fields:

  • id - the id of the function, it is fvtm:tire
  • general_grip - optional, general grip value, default 1.0
  • break_grip - optional, grip value on breaking, default 0.7
  • stiffness - optional, corner stiffness, default 5.2*
  • steering_stiffness - optional, corner stiffness if this is a steered wheel, default 5.0*
  • step_height - optional, step height of this wheel, default 1.0 (one block)
  • material_table - optional, json object, here you can define grip, rain-grip and stiffness
    for every minecraft material separately (note the array doesn't need to be complete), example:
      "rock": [ 1, 0.5, 5.5, 6 ],
      "sponge": [ 2, 1.4 ],
      "ground": [ 0.95, 0.2, 8 ]
    the values in order are:
    • general grip - optional, default 1.0
    • rainfall grip - optional, default 0.9
    • stiffness - optional, defaults to value defined outside table before
    • steering stiffness - optional, defaults to value defined outside table before

* - could be changed/readjusted in the future

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