Fork自modern的mpv osc脚本,做出了以下修改:
- 修改外观布局、部分按键功能;
- 增加类似mpv内置osc的透明度调整选项(boxalpha);
- 加回可用快捷键控制可视性的功能(script-binding modernf/visibility);
- 多布局切换,可用3种布局(reduced/original/mid);
- 更多细节微调
mpv osc script forked from modern.Changed the layout\some buttons' action;make boxalpha could be customized in osc.conf;make osc-visibility could be adjusted with shortcut in input.conf,just like the builtin OSC
original layout
reduced layout调整了按键布局,便于查看字幕轨和音轨;添加了ontop按键 this layout adjusted buttons' layout for easier checking sid&aid; added a button for 'ontop'
osc.lua --> "~~/scripts/" (!!REMOVE OTHER OSC SCRIPTS!! 移除其他的osc脚本!!)
material-design-iconic-font.ttf --> "~~/fonts" (FONT LINK) 复制图标字体文件
Then edit "~~/mpv.conf", add the following line to the end. 在mpv.conf中加下列代码关闭内置osc
Install thumbfast
Config file locates at "~~/script-opts/modernf.conf". Supported options are listed below.
layout = "reduced" -- original/reduced/mid
showonpause=yes/no -- show osc and no hide timeout on pause
timetotal=yes/no -- display total time instead of remaining time?
timems = false -- display timecodes with milliseconds
visibility=auto/always/never -- set visibility_mode(...)
boxalpha=80 -- alpha of the background box,0 (opaque) to 255 (fully transparent)
idlescreen = yes/no -- show logo and welcome when idle
deadzone = 200 -- area of mouse movement for osc showhide,pixel from bottom to top
showwindowed=yes/no -- show OSC when windowed?
showfullscreen=yes/no -- show OSC when fullscreen?
scalewindowed=1 -- scaling of the controller when windowed
scalefullscreen=1 -- scaling of the controller when fullscreen
scaleforcedwindow=2 -- scaling when rendered on a forced window
vidscale=yes/no -- scale the controller with the video?
hidetimeout=500 -- duration in ms until the OSC hides if no mouse movement. enforced non-negative for the user but internally negative is 'always-on'.
fadeduration=200 -- duration of fade out in ms 0=no fade
minmousemove=3 -- minimum amount of pixels the mouse has to move between ticks to make the OSC show up
iamaprogrammer=yes/no -- use native mpv values and disable OSC internal track list management (and some functions that depend on it)
font='mpv-osd-symbols' -- default osc font
seekrange=yes/no -- show seekrange overlay
seekrangealpha=128 -- transparency of seekranges
seekbarkeyframes=yes/no -- use keyframes when dragging the seekbar
title='${media-title}' -- string compatible with property-expansion to be shown as OSC title
windowcontrols=auto/yes/no -- whether to show window controls
volumecontrol=yes/no -- whether to show mute button and volumne slider
processvolume=yes/no -- volume bar show processd volume
language=eng/chs -- eng=English chs=Chinese
Some buttons may accept multiple mouse actions, here is a list:
(NOTE: mbtn = mouse button)
- mbtn_left: seek to chosen position.
- mbtn_right: seek to the head of chosen chapter
- mbtn_left: play previous/next file.
- mbtn_right: open playlistmanager.
- mbtn_left: cycle to next track.
- mbtn_right: cycle to prev track.
- shift+mbtn_left: show track list.
- mbtn_left: cycle ontop
- mbtn_left: stats/display-stats-toggle.
- mbtn_right: stats/display-page-4
- 鼠标左键: 跳转至点击位置
- 鼠标右键: 跳转到所在章节开头
- 鼠标左键: 打开播放列表上一个/下一个文件.
- 鼠标右键: 打开playlistmanager播放列表脚本.
- 鼠标左键: 切换到下一个轨道.
- 鼠标右键: 切换到上一个轨道.
- shift+鼠标左键: 显示轨道列表.
- 鼠标左键:切换置顶
- 鼠标左键: 统计信息开关
- 鼠标右键: 查看激活的快捷键