Distributions is an interactive data visualization based off of Hans Rosling's TED talk on the correlation between income and lifespan. The dataset is parsed from gapminder and is used to create this visualization where users are allowed to change the countries, change the regions, and change the years. The bubbles represent each country, with the size determined by the population for that year and the color determined by the country's region.
In this version users are able to interact with the chart. At the top there are buttons to allow users to play/pause the visual, clear the filters, restart the visual, and go to specific dates in the visual. Users are also able to filter to a specific continent or to specific countries. When a country is selected, a label is subsequently appended to let the user know which country is which.
- D3.js to create the visuals
- Vanilla javascript to create dynamic features
- HTML5 to display the visuals
- CSS3 to style the contents
- D3 tips are used so that users can see the information.
- The tips are shown when the mouse hovers over the bubble.
- Tips don't appear unless the mouse is on the bubble so that the data does not get congested.
const circles = g.selectAll("circle")
.data(data, d => {
return d.country;
.on("mouseover", tip.show)
.on("mouseout", tip.hide)
.attr("fill", (d) => { return continentColor(d.continent); })
.attr("cy", d => { return y(d.life_exp); })
.attr("cx", d => { return x(d.income); })
.attr("r", d => {
return Math.sqrt(area(d.population) / Math.PI);
.attr("stroke", (d) => { return labelColor(d.continent); })
.attr("stroke-width", "1px")
.attr("opacity", "0.8");
- D3's enter, update, and exit functions are used to cotinuously update the data so that it changes by year
- Uses the merge method to combine enter and update attributes
- Utilizes transition after the merge to allow for smooth visuals as the data changes.
- Selectors are used to let users change the region displayed.
- The bubbles are switched on change and can be changed while playing and while not playing.
- Checkboxes allow users to specify which countries to look at.
- The bubbles are filtered on click and upon check labels are appended to the graph.
- Buttons are created on the top right to allow users to:
- Play and pause the visualization
- Clear the filters for countries and continents
- Restart the visualization
let rangeslider = document.getElementById("sliderRange");
let output = document.getElementById("demo");
output.innerHTML = rangeslider.value;
export const sliderListener = data => {
rangeslider.addEventListener('input', () => {
playButton.textContent = "Play";
output.innerHTML = rangeslider.value;
i = rangeslider.value - 1800;
update(data[i], i);
rangeslider.addEventListener('click', () => {
playButton.textContent = "Play";
update(data[i], i);
- A slider is use to allow users to go to unique years in the visualization.
- The first event listener is used so that the the data changes when the user drags slider
- The second event listener is used so that the visual stops playing once the user clicks on the bar.