The malduino scripts I use. Contains both malicious and non-malicious scripts, all designed for the Malduino Elite. Also contains my current modified version of the Malduino Elite firmware, which has various upgrades. It can detect when the system has enumerated the device and then run the script, and it uses an upgraded HID library so it can use media keys and system keys. It also includes a few useful extra commands. My system for script naming is that non-malicious scripts start with a 0 (ie. 0000 - 0111) and malicious (actual hacking) scripts start with a 1 (ie. 1000 - 1111).
Non-Malicious (pranks):
0000: Set desktop background to hotdog - Windows
0001: Hidden icons prank - Windows 7
0010: Hidden icons prank - Windows 10
0011: Upside down desktop - Windows
0100: Windows 93 prank - Windows
0101: Install NCage on Chrome - Windows
0110: Rickroll at 4:20pm - Windows
1111: Meterpreter through powershell - Windows (requires metasploit)
1110: Meterpreter through wget - Windows (requires pastebin and metasploit)
1101: Lazagne download and export - Windows (requires webserver with PHP)
1100: Instant BSOD - Windows (should also cause memory dump)