Instruction(8Bit) + Return-Register(8Bit) + Atribute 1(8Bit) + Atribute 2(8Bit)
- Logisim version
- CMake 3.0
- JDK >= 1.8
ALU/arithmetic instructions have code between 000 0001 and 0000 1111.
OP-Code(BIN/Hex)| Assembly-Code | Atributes | Description
0000 0000 (00) | NOP | <No attributes> | Execute no operation
0000 0001 (01) | ADD | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><Reg2> | Add two values of given register
0000 0010 (02) | ADDI | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><VALUE>| Add imidiate values onto register
0000 0011 (03) | SUB | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><Reg2> | Subtract two register
0000 0100 (04) | SUBI | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><VALUE>| Subtract a value from a register
0000 0101 (05) | MULT | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><Reg2> | Multiply two register
0000 0110 (06) | MULTI | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><VALUE>| Multiply a register onto a value
0000 0111 (07) | DIV | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><Reg2> |
0000 1000 (08) | DIVI | <Ret-Reg><Reg1><VALUE>|
0000 1001 (09) | - | |
0000 1010 (0A) | - | |
0000 1011 (0B) | - | |
0000 1100 (0C) | - | |
0000 1101 (0D) | - | |
0000 1110 (0E) | - | |
0000 1111 (0F) | - | |
0001 0000 (10) | JMP | <Pos-Arg1><Pos-Arg2> | jump to an address with 16Bit!
0001 0001 (11) | BEQ* | <Reg-Arg1><Reg-Arg2> | Check if two register are equals
0001 0010 (12) | BNEQ | <Reg-Arg1><Reg-Arg2> | Check if two register aren't equals
0001 0011 (13) | PRNT | <Reg-Arg1> | Print something on display
0001 0100 (14) | RST* | -- | Reset display
0001 0101 (15) | READ* | <Reg-Arg1> | Read key input into the given register
*This operation is not implemented on hardware yet.
Register | Alias | Description
x0 | zero | Hard wired zero register
x1 | ra | Return address
x2 | sp | Stackpointer
x3 | gp | global pointer
x4 | tp | Thread pointer
x5-7 | t0-2 | Temporary register
x8-9 | s0-1 | Saved register
x10-11 | a0-1 | Function arguments
x12-15 | s0-2 | Saved register
Instruction = 02 (ADDI), Return-Register = 01 (REG), First-Argument = 00 (ZERO), Second-Argument = 05 (HEX-VALUE of 5)
The complete instruction will be:
02010005 00000000 ...
To run this in logisim you need to write HEX code like this into a file and load it up in logisim as RAM values.