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Tiger Sachse edited this page Sep 13, 2020 · 8 revisions


Joy converts gamepad actions (like button presses) into ROS messages. These messages are then translated by the ezrassor_joy_translator into the appropriate message types required for the rest of the EZ-RASSOR system.


The following is a list of topic inputs and outputs, with each topic's type shown in brackets:

node <- /joy [sensor_msgs/Joy]

node -> /autonomous_toggles [std_msgs/Int8]
node -> wheel instructions topic configured at launch [geometry_msgs/Twist]
node -> front arm instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]
node -> back arm instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]
node -> front drum instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]
node -> back drum instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]



This script will change the EZ-RASSOR's default joystick to your active joystick. To run this script, call it with rosrun like this:

rosrun ezrassor_joy_translator initialize_joy

Afterwards, follow the instructions on your screen to set your default joystick. Note that this script only works in installed environments (e.g. when you have fully installed the EZ-RASSOR project, or at minimum when you have installed this specific package). If you are modifying the code in ezrassor_joy_translator and don't have this package permanently installed: pass your joystick number to the launch files you are working with instead to ensure your controller works.

Launch Files


This launch file spins up a single joy translator node. This node is configured via arguments at launch which are passed to the node as namespaced ROS parameters. All possible arguments are listed below:

The joystick number of the joystick that Joy listens to. Defaults to 0.
The topic that wheel instructions are published to.
The topic that front arm instructions are published to.
The topic that back arm instructions are published to.
The topic that front drum instructions are published to.
The topic that back drum instructions are published to.


Launch a joy translator that publishes directly to the topics that the simulation typically reads from:

roslaunch ezrassor_joy_translator joy_translator.launch \
    wheel_instructions_topic:=wheel_instructions \
    front_arm_instructions_topic:=front_arm_instructions \
    back_arm_instructions_topic:=back_arm_instructions \
    front_drum_instructions_topic:=front_drum_instructions \

Launch a joy translator that listens to joystick /dev/input/js1 and publishes to manual_*_instructions topics:

roslaunch ezrassor_joy_translator joy_translator.launch \
    joystick:=1 \
    wheel_instructions_topic:=manual_wheel_instructions \
    front_arm_instructions_topic:=manual_front_arm_instructions \
    back_arm_instructions_topic:=manual_back_arm_instructions \
    front_drum_instructions_topic:=manual_front_drum_instructions \