Industrial processes are critical to the manufacturing of almost all products throughout the world. At the heart of these production plants is process control, an area thought to be a dark art. This library and its associated hardware (see below) have been created to give those with limited resource access to a simple industrial rig that can be used for experimentation with a variety of different control algortithms. Due to the scale of this project, many real world industrial problems that exist are amplified. This provides a good basis for allowing the user to solve these problems, A list of which can be found within the documentation.
- Provide a basic flow control process
- Introduce MODBUS
- Introduce common control system ideas & terminology
- Provide a rig to which control algoritms can be applied
The functionality of this repository is based upon the user building the hardware described within the project documents. That said, I have included a 'Simulation mode' which uses a set of equations to give an artifical reality you can control. I would however highly recommend building the harware. It is a simple build process that is documented in a way that should be easy to follow, with full parts list and accompanied drawings. For those with no experience in control or electronics, following the instructions to the letter is recommended. It is noted however that this project can be expanded dramatically or a minor amount of funcationality cut if necessary.
- Python 2.7 - Base Language
- YAML - Config files imports
- pymodbus - MODBUS client and comms to other units
- RPi.GPIO - Access to GPIO pins
- spidev - Comms with the analogue to digitsal converter chip
Although the program is not strictly designed for anything other than a Raspberry PI, the simulation mode will work on a conventional linux distro.
Individual detailed documentation is not yet avaliable however is on my to do list!