A Span<T> based text parser
Inspired by Sprache with a goal for efficiency, performance and support for asynchronous parsing.
- As close to zero allocations as possible.
- Ability to do stream parsing of multi-gigabyte files with via System.IO.Pipelines support.
- Improve code readability by making the grammar declarations appear as close to EBNF as possible.
- Allow for dynamic asynchronously constructed grammar trees for more advanced auto-complete suggestion support.
- Push based architecture where the parser pushes results rather than a consumer pulling them. Resembling more of an
pattern instead ofIEnumerable<T>
like Sprache.
CharTokenizer Comma = ',';
CharTokenizer Tab = '\t';
CharTokenizer DoubleQuote = '"';
CharTokenizer SingleQuote = '\'';
ITokenizer Symbols = CharTokenizer.Any('|', '(', ')', '*', '&');
ITokenizer CommonCellCharacters = CharTokenizer.LetterOrDigit | CharTokenizer.Whitespace | Symbols;
ITokenizer RowDelimiter = CharTokenizer.SingleLineFeed | EndTokenizer.EOF;
ITokenizer DoubleQuotedCell = DoubleQuote.Skip() +
(CommonCellCharacters | Comma | Tab | SingleQuote).Many() +
ITokenizer SingleQuotedCell = SingleQuote.Skip() +
(CommonCellCharacters | Comma | Tab | DoubleQuote).Many() +
ITokenizer Cell = (DoubleQuotedCell |
SingleQuotedCell |
IParser<string> CellParser = Cell.DelimitedBy(Comma | RowDelimiter.Until(), cell => new string(cell));
IParser<IReadOnlyList<string>> RowParser = CellParser.DelimitedBy(RowDelimiter, cell => new string(cell));
The parsing logic is split into two phases - tokenization and parsing.
A tokenizer is a special case of parser dedicated to character tokenization where a stream of characters is split up into constituent spans of chars. This is for efficiency so that token spans can be calculated efficiently prior to allocating objects during streaming.
A parser takes one or more tokenizers and constructs a strongly typed resulting object or value from the ReadOnlySpan<char>
provided to it by the tokenizer.