ReviewBot is a simple bot for Reddit's Whisky Network (/r/scotch, /r/bourbon, /r/worldwhisky). It can be summoned to list your latest reviews.
Below is a list of its current commands and how to run it yourself, if you'd like to.
If any of the following commands appear in the bot's inbox, he will reply accordingly.
The commands assume the bot is run under the username /u/review_bot.
List latest reviews
List up to 10 of the users latest reviews in any subreddit.
/u/review_bot latest
List latest reviews in <subreddit>
List up to 10 of the users latest reviews in the given subreddit. (Substitute with the subreddit name, e.g. /r/scotch)
/u/review_bot /r/<subreddit>
List latest reviews about <bottle>
List up to 10 of the users latest reviews about a certain bottle. This command searches for a substring, so asking for Talisker reviews might return reviews about Talisker Storm, Talisker 10yr and Talisker DE. As with the subreddit command, substitute with the name of the bottle, but be sure to use single quotes or double quotes.
/u/review_bot '<bottle>'
Yet to be filled in