Create a .env file containing
docker-compose --env-file ./.env up flourish-db flourish
Run detached
docker-compose --env-file ./.env up -d flourish-db flourish
Running just the database:
docker-compose --env-file ./.env up -d flourish-db
Updating the server:
docker-compose rm -s flourish
docker-compose --env-file ./.env up -d --build flourish
To run all tests
pytest ./src [--db]
To run unit tests
pytest ./src/tests/unit [--db]
To run integration tests
pytest ./src/tests/integration [--db]
--db Run tests that require a database connection
Create a fresh local database with username postgres
and password password
Alembic will automatically setup the database for you when unit tests are run
All changes to the database should be generated by the SQLAlchemy models and Alembic
Creating a new revision (Always check the migration script before running against the database):
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "REVISION_NAME"
Upgrading the database (local):
alembic upgrade head
Upgrading the database:
alembic -x database_uri='DATABASE URI' upgrade head